class Rack::ShowExceptions
def pretty(env, exception)
def pretty(env, exception) req = # This double assignment is to prevent an "unused variable" warning. # Yes, it is dumb, but I don't like Ruby yelling at me. path = path = (req.script_name + req.path_info).squeeze("/") # This double assignment is to prevent an "unused variable" warning. # Yes, it is dumb, but I don't like Ruby yelling at me. frames = frames = { |line| frame = if line =~ /(.*?):(\d+)(:in `(.*)')?/ frame.filename = $1 frame.lineno = $2.to_i frame.function = $4 begin lineno = frame.lineno - 1 lines = ::File.readlines(frame.filename) frame.pre_context_lineno = [lineno - CONTEXT, 0].max frame.pre_context = lines[frame.pre_context_lineno...lineno] frame.context_line = lines[lineno].chomp frame.post_context_lineno = [lineno + CONTEXT, lines.size].min frame.post_context = lines[lineno + 1..frame.post_context_lineno] rescue end frame else nil end }.compact template.result(binding) end