class Rack::Deflater

Note that despite the name, Deflater does not support the deflate
is empty.
code is one that doesn’t allow an entity body, or when the body
directive of ‘no-transform’ is present, when the response status
and allowed. For example no encoding is made when a cache
This middleware automatically detects when encoding is supported
* identity (no transformation)
* gzip
Currently supported encodings:
usually for purposes of compression.
This middleware enables content encoding of http responses,

def call(env)

def call(env)
  status, headers, body = response =
  unless should_deflate?(env, status, headers, body)
    return response
  request =
  encoding = Utils.select_best_encoding(%w(gzip identity),
  # Set the Vary HTTP header.
  vary = headers["vary"].to_s.split(",").map(&:strip)
  unless vary.include?("*") || vary.any?{|v| v.downcase == 'accept-encoding'}
    headers["vary"] = vary.push("Accept-Encoding").join(",")
  case encoding
  when "gzip"
    headers['content-encoding'] = "gzip"
    mtime = headers["last-modified"]
    mtime = Time.httpdate(mtime).to_i if mtime
    response[2] =, mtime, @sync)
  when "identity"
  else # when nil
    # Only possible encoding values here are 'gzip', 'identity', and nil
    message = "An acceptable encoding for the requested resource #{request.fullpath} could not be found."
    bp =[message]) { body.close if body.respond_to?(:close) }
    [406, { CONTENT_TYPE => "text/plain", CONTENT_LENGTH => message.length.to_s }, bp]

def initialize(app, options = {})

Defaults to +true+.
latency for time-sensitive streaming applications, but hurts compression and throughput.
:sync :: determines if the stream is going to be flushed after every chunk. Flushing after every chunk reduces
:include :: a list of content types that should be compressed. By default, all content types are compressed.
such as when it is an +IO+ instance.
However, be aware that calling `body.each` inside the block will break cases where `body.each` is not idempotent,
(e.g use Rack::Deflater, :if => lambda { |*, body| sum=0; body.each { |i| sum += i.length }; sum > 512 }).
:if :: a lambda enabling / disabling deflation based on returned boolean value

Creates Rack::Deflater middleware. Options:
def initialize(app, options = {})
  @app = app
  @condition = options[:if]
  @compressible_types = options[:include]
  @sync = options.fetch(:sync, true)

def should_deflate?(env, status, headers, body)

Whether the body should be compressed.
def should_deflate?(env, status, headers, body)
  # Skip compressing empty entity body responses and responses with
  # no-transform set.
  if Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.key?(status.to_i) ||
      /\bno-transform\b/.match?(headers[CACHE_CONTROL].to_s) ||
    return false
  # Skip if @compressible_types are given and does not include request's content type
  return false if @compressible_types && !(headers.has_key?(CONTENT_TYPE) && @compressible_types.include?(headers[CONTENT_TYPE][/[^;]*/]))
  # Skip if @condition lambda is given and evaluates to false
  return false if @condition && !, status, headers, body)
  # No point in compressing empty body, also handles usage with
  # Rack::Sendfile.
  return false if headers[CONTENT_LENGTH] == '0'