v2.7.0 (2022-09-10)
Many little, negligible, changes, plus support for Rake 3 (courtesy of
jeremyevans :trophy:)
v2.6.0 (2016-12-31)
Many little, internal, changes; the important ones are:
- switched to use SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 to make the token URL-friendly (courtesy of steved);
- code is tested against Rack 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0;
- code is tested only on Ruby 2.0.0 and later.
v2.5.0 (2014-06-15)
- Fixed/improved the examples.
- Added basic Travis setup.
- Dropped support for Rack versions older than 1.1.0.
- Lazy generation of the CSRF token.
- Left Jeweler; totally embraced Bundler.
- Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.6.
- Fixed Cucumber’s step for Ruby 1.8.*.
v2.4.0 (2012-02-28)
- Updated examples’ Gemfiles.
- Dependency management is entrusted totally to Bundler.
- Added support for CSRF validation via request headers (courtesy of jeffreyiacono).
- Improved a bit documentation and testing code.
- New option :skip_if (courtesy of jakubpawlowicz and GoalSmashers).
v2.3.0 (2011-10-23)
- Updated examples’ Gemfiles.
- Moved to use the RDoc gem.
- new option :check_only (courtesy of ghermeto)
- Cuba example.
- Changed request checking to look at GET+POST data.
- Added support for custom HTTP methods.
- Promoted public methods’ shorter aliases to main API.
v2.2.0 (2011-04-12)
- Simplified specs and some Cucumber’s steps.
- Added handling of empty PATH_INFO.
- Added Gemfiles to the examples. Tweaked the READMEs.
- Extended API: added shorter aliases for the public methods.
- Tweaked example groups’ names.
- Added support for PATCH verb.
- Added license metadata to gemspec via Jeweler’s task.
- Replace lambdas with expect()… RSpec’s white magic!
v2.1.0 (2010-10-11)
- Tiny improvements to Rakefile.
- Added the :key option.
- Moved to RSpec 2.
- Tweaked Camping application’s load path.
- Camping example, courtesy of David Susco.
- Summer spec cleanings.
v2.0.0 (2010-01-11)
- Added a changelog and a Rake task to help.
- Removed Jeweler’s support for Rubyforge.
- Fixed a couple of typos.
- Removed the :browser_only option.
- Tweaked the copyright notice.
- Cleaned up a bit some step definitions.
- Switched to use Rack::Test in the Cucumber’s scenarios.
- Removed redundant require in Cucumber’s support files.
v1.1.1 (2009-10-15)
- Tweaked the default HTTP response code.
- Moving to Jeweler.
- Innate example.
- Little tweak to the plain Rack example.
- Plain Rack example.
- Extended the main README.rdoc.
- Fixed loading Rack::Csrf in the Sinatra example. New README.
- Moved the Sinatra example in its own directory.
- Fixed RSpec support file.
- Tweaked Cucumber’s task definition.
- Fixed grammar; added some fragments of code.
- Tweaked a bit the Cucumber and RSpec support files.
- Reworded and fixed the spec. It should be clearer.
1.1.0 (2009-05-22)
- Tweaks to the examples to run smoothly with future Sinatra release.
- Moved some code into #initialize.
- More generic step checking response code.
- Added the :browser_only option.
- Tweaked Cucumber’s profile to follow new Cucumber release.
- Shortened steps’ names.
- Tweak to spec to ensure use of csrf_field in csrf_tag.
- Clarification on options’ default values.
- :skip now accept an array of regexps.
1.0.1 (2009-05-02)
- Changed env key to satisfy Rack specification.
- Auto-fill session with token upon receiving first request.
- Added missing scenarios for :field option.
- Fixed a typo.
1.0.0 (2009-04-22 17:14:45 +0200)
- First release