class Rackup::Server
def start(&block)
def start(&block) if options[:warn] $-w = true end if includes = options[:include] $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*includes) end Array(options[:require]).each do |library| require library end if options[:debug] $DEBUG = true require 'pp' p options[:server] pp wrapped_app pp app end check_pid! if options[:pid] # Touch the wrapped app, so that the is loaded before # daemonization (i.e. before chdir, etc). handle_profiling(options[:heapfile], options[:profile_mode], options[:profile_file]) do wrapped_app end daemonize_app if options[:daemonize] write_pid if options[:pid] trap(:INT) do if server.respond_to?(:shutdown) server.shutdown else exit end end, **options, &block) end