class Rails::Engine::Configuration
def autoload_once_paths
def autoload_once_paths @autoload_once_paths ||= paths.autoload_once end
def autoload_paths
def autoload_paths @autoload_paths ||= paths.autoload_paths end
def eager_load_paths
def eager_load_paths @eager_load_paths ||= paths.eager_load end
def gem(name, options = {})
Rails 3, by default, uses bundler, which shims the Kernel#gem method so that it should
def gem(name, options = {}) super name, options[:version] || ">= 0" require options[:lib] || name rescue Gem::LoadError msg = "config.gem is deprecated, and you tried to activate the '#{name}' gem (#{options.inspect}) using it.\n" if File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/Gemfile") msg << "Please add '#{name}' to your Gemfile." else msg << "Please update your application to use bundler." end ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(msg, caller) exit end
def generators #:nodoc:
def generators #:nodoc: ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "config.generators in Rails::Engine is deprecated. " << "Please use config.app_generators instead." super end
def initialize(root=nil)
def initialize(root=nil) super() @root = root end
def load_paths
def load_paths ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "config.load_paths is deprecated. Please use config.autoload_paths instead." autoload_paths end
def load_paths=(paths)
def load_paths=(paths) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "config.load_paths= is deprecated. Please use config.autoload_paths instead." self.autoload_paths = paths end
def paths
def paths @paths ||= begin paths = "app", :eager_load => true, :glob => "*" "app/controllers", :eager_load => true "app/helpers", :eager_load => true "app/models", :eager_load => true "app/mailers", :eager_load => true "app/views" paths.lib "lib", :load_path => true paths.lib.tasks "lib/tasks", :glob => "**/*.rake" paths.config "config" paths.config.initializers "config/initializers", :glob => "**/*.rb" paths.config.locales "config/locales", :glob => "*.{rb,yml}" paths.config.routes "config/routes.rb" paths.public "public" paths.public.javascripts "public/javascripts" paths.public.stylesheets "public/stylesheets" paths end end
def root=(value)
def root=(value) @root = paths.path = end