class Rails::Generators::Base
def self.add_shebang_option! # :doc:
default value plus an instance helper method called shebang.
Small macro to add ruby as an option to the generator with proper
def self.add_shebang_option! # :doc: class_option :ruby, type: :string, aliases: "-r", default: Thor::Util.ruby_command, desc: "Path to the Ruby binary of your choice", banner: "PATH" no_tasks { define_method :shebang do @shebang ||= begin command = if options[:ruby] == Thor::Util.ruby_command "/usr/bin/env #{File.basename(Thor::Util.ruby_command)}" else options[:ruby] end "#!#{command}" end end } end
def self.banner # :doc:
Use Rails default banner.
def self.banner # :doc: "rails generate #{namespace.delete_prefix("rails:")} #{' ')} [options]".gsub(/\s+/, " ") end
def self.base_name # :doc:
Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace.
def self.base_name # :doc: @base_name ||= if base = name.to_s.split("::").first base.underscore end end
def self.base_root
Returns the base root for a common set of generators. This is used to dynamically
def self.base_root __dir__ end
def self.class_option(name, options = {}) # :nodoc:
Make class option aware of Rails::Generators.options and Rails::Generators.aliases.
def self.class_option(name, options = {}) # :nodoc: options[:desc] = "Indicates when to generate #{name.to_s.humanize.downcase}" unless options.key?(:desc) options[:aliases] = default_aliases_for_option(name, options) options[:default] = default_value_for_option(name, options) super(name, options) end
def self.default_aliases_for_option(name, options) # :doc:
Returns default aliases for the option name given doing a lookup in
def self.default_aliases_for_option(name, options) # :doc: default_for_option(Rails::Generators.aliases, name, options, options[:aliases]) end
def self.default_for_option(config, name, options, default) # :doc:
Returns default for the option name given doing a lookup in config.
def self.default_for_option(config, name, options, default) # :doc: if generator_name && (c = config[generator_name.to_sym]) && c.key?(name) c[name] elsif base_name && (c = config[base_name.to_sym]) && c.key?(name) c[name] elsif config[:rails].key?(name) config[:rails][name] else default end end
def self.default_generator_root # :doc:
def self.default_generator_root # :doc: path = File.expand_path(File.join(base_name, generator_name), base_root) path if File.exist?(path) end
def self.default_source_root
by rails to set its generators source root. If you want to customize your source
Returns the default source root for a given generator. This is used internally
def self.default_source_root return unless base_name && generator_name return unless default_generator_root path = File.join(default_generator_root, "templates") path if File.exist?(path) end
def self.default_value_for_option(name, options) # :doc:
Returns the default value for the option name given doing a lookup in
def self.default_value_for_option(name, options) # :doc: default_for_option(Rails::Generators.options, name, options, options[:default]) end
def self.desc(description = nil)
Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source
def self.desc(description = nil) return super if description @desc ||= if usage_path else "Description:\n Create #{base_name.humanize.downcase} files for #{generator_name} generator." end end
def self.exit_on_failure? # :nodoc:
def self.exit_on_failure? # :nodoc: false end
def self.generator_name # :doc:
Rails::Generators::ModelGenerator will return "model" as generator name.
Removes the namespaces and get the generator name. For example,
def self.generator_name # :doc: @generator_name ||= if generator = name.to_s.split("::").last generator.delete_suffix!("Generator") generator.underscore end end
def self.hide!
Convenience method to hide this generator from the available ones when
def self.hide! Rails::Generators.hide_namespace(namespace) end
def self.hook_for(*names, &block)
instance.invoke controller, [ ]
hook_for :resource_controller do |instance, controller|
can give a block to customize how the controller can be invoked.
name as the resource generator, which is singular. To change this, we
with a pluralized class name. But by default it is invoked with the same
For example, in the resource generator, the controller should be invoked
of the current class and the class to be invoked.
going to be invoked. The block receives two arguments, an instance
You can also supply a block to hook_for to customize how the hook is
==== Custom invocations
"rails:generators:webrat", "webrat:generators:controller", "webrat"
The hooks lookup is similar as above:
bin/rails generate controller Account --webrat
Then, if you want webrat to be invoked, just supply:
Rails::Generators::ControllerGenerator.hook_for :webrat, type: :boolean
This can be achieved as:
developers might want to have webrat available on controller generator.
In some cases, you may want to provide a boolean hook. For example, webrat
==== Boolean hooks
bin/rails generate controller Account --no-test-framework
Or similarly:
bin/rails generate controller Account --skip-test-framework
to use any test framework, you can do:
All hooks come with switches for user interface. If you do not want
==== Switches
"rails:test_unit", "test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
And the lookup is exactly the same as previously:
hook_for :test_framework, in: :rails, as: :controller
class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
just need to provide the +:in+ value:
Similarly, if you want it to also look up in the rails namespace, you
"test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
And now it will look up at:
hook_for :test_framework, as: :controller
class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
+:as+ option:
Which is not the desired lookup. You can change it by providing the
"test_unit:awesome", "test_unit"
The lookup in this case for test_unit as input is:
hook_for :test_framework
class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
controller generator from test unit. Your first attempt is:
Let's suppose you are creating a generator that needs to invoke the
This can be customized with two options: +:in+ and +:as+.
guessed based on class invokes hook_for, as noticed in the example above.
The first and last part used to find the generator to be invoked are
==== Options
of the hooks above.
allows any test framework to hook into Rails as long as it provides any
Rails looks for is the first and last parts of the namespace. This is what
Notice that "rails:generators:test_unit" could be loaded as well, what
"rails:test_unit", "test_unit:controller", "test_unit"
The controller generator will then try to invoke the following generators:
bin/rails generate controller Account --test-framework=test_unit
For example, if the user invoke the controller generator as:
a generator based on the user supplied value.
The example above will create a test framework option and will invoke
hook_for :test_framework, aliases: "-t"
class ControllerGenerator < Base
module Rails::Generators
==== Examples
is invoked and you can set a hash to customize it.
given option named "name". A class option is created when this method
Invoke a generator based on the value supplied by the user to the
def self.hook_for(*names, &block) options = names.extract_options! in_base = options.delete(:in) || base_name as_hook = options.delete(:as) || generator_name names.each do |name| unless class_options.key?(name) defaults = if options[:type] == :boolean {} elsif [true, false].include?(default_value_for_option(name, options)) { banner: "" } else { desc: "#{name.to_s.humanize} to be invoked", banner: "NAME" } end class_option(name, defaults.merge!(options)) end hooks[name] = [ in_base, as_hook ] invoke_from_option(name, options, &block) end end
def self.hooks # :nodoc:
Keep hooks configuration that are used on prepare_for_invocation.
def self.hooks # :nodoc: @hooks ||= from_superclass(:hooks, {}) end
def self.inherited(base) # :nodoc:
source paths.
Cache source root and add lib/generators/base/generator/templates to
def self.inherited(base) # :nodoc: super # Invoke source_root so the default_source_root is set. base.source_root if && !"Base") Rails::Generators.subclasses << base Rails::Generators.templates_path.each do |path| if"::") base.source_paths << File.join(path, base.base_name, base.generator_name) else base.source_paths << File.join(path, base.generator_name) end end end end
def self.namespace(name = nil)
same as Thor default except that the Generator at the end of the class
Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the
def self.namespace(name = nil) return super if name @namespace ||= super.delete_suffix("_generator").sub(/:generators:/, ":") end
def self.prepare_for_invocation(name, value) # :nodoc:
added hook is being used.
Prepare class invocation to search on Rails namespace if a previous
def self.prepare_for_invocation(name, value) # :nodoc: return super unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) if value && constants = hooks[name] value = name if TrueClass === value Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace(value, *constants) elsif klass = Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace(value) klass else super end end
def self.remove_hook_for(*names)
Remove a previously added hook.
def self.remove_hook_for(*names) remove_invocation(*names) names.each do |name| hooks.delete(name) end end
def self.source_root(path = nil)
def self.source_root(path = nil) @_source_root = path if path @_source_root ||= default_source_root end
def self.usage_path # :doc:
def self.usage_path # :doc: paths = [ source_root && File.expand_path("../USAGE", source_root), default_generator_root && File.join(default_generator_root, "USAGE") ] paths.compact.detect { |path| File.exist? path } end
def class_collisions(*class_names)
Check whether the given class names are already taken by user
def class_collisions(*class_names) return unless behavior == :invoke return if options.skip_collision_check? return if options.force? class_names.flatten.each do |class_name| class_name = class_name.to_s next if class_name.strip.empty? # Split the class from its module nesting nesting = class_name.split("::") last_name = nesting.pop last = extract_last_module(nesting) if last && last.const_defined?(last_name.camelize, false) raise Error, "The name '#{class_name}' is either already used in your application " \ "or reserved by Ruby on Rails. Please choose an alternative or use --skip-collision-check " \ "or --force to skip this check and run this generator again." end end end
def extract_last_module(nesting) # :doc:
Takes in an array of nested modules and extracts the last module
def extract_last_module(nesting) # :doc: nesting.inject(Object) do |last_module, nest| break unless last_module.const_defined?(nest, false) last_module.const_get(nest) end end
def indent(content, multiplier = 2) # :doc:
def indent(content, multiplier = 2) # :doc: spaces = " " * multiplier { |line| line.blank? ? line : "#{spaces}#{line}" }.join end
def module_namespacing(&block) # :doc:
if namespace exists and is not skipped
Wrap block with namespace of current application
def module_namespacing(&block) # :doc: content = capture(&block) content = wrap_with_namespace(content) if namespaced? concat(content) end
def namespace # :doc:
def namespace # :doc: Rails::Generators.namespace end
def namespace_dirs
def namespace_dirs @namespace_dirs ||="::").map(&:underscore) end
def namespaced? # :doc:
def namespaced? # :doc: !options[:skip_namespace] && namespace end
def namespaced_path # :doc:
def namespaced_path # :doc: @namespaced_path ||= namespace_dirs.join("/") end
def wrap_with_namespace(content) # :doc:
def wrap_with_namespace(content) # :doc: content = indent(content).chomp "module #{}\n#{content}\nend\n" end