class Rails::Application::Configuration
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/rails/application/configuration.rbs class Rails::Application::Configuration < Rails::Engine::Configuration def paths: () -> Rails::Paths::Root end
def annotations
def annotations Rails::SourceAnnotationExtractor::Annotation end
def api_only=(value)
def api_only=(value) @api_only = value generators.api_only = value @debug_exception_response_format ||= :api end
def colorize_logging
def colorize_logging ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging end
def colorize_logging=(val)
def colorize_logging=(val) ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging = val generators.colorize_logging = val end
def content_security_policy(&block)
def content_security_policy(&block) if block_given? @content_security_policy = else @content_security_policy end end
def credentials_available_for_current_env?
def credentials_available_for_current_env? File.exist?(root.join("config", "credentials", "#{Rails.env}.yml.enc")) end
def database_configuration
Loads and returns the entire raw configuration of database from
def database_configuration path = paths["config/database"].existent.first yaml = if path config = if yaml&.exist? loaded_yaml = ActiveSupport::ConfigurationFile.parse(yaml) if (shared = loaded_yaml.delete("shared")) loaded_yaml.each do |env, config| if config.is_a?(Hash) && config.values.all?(Hash) do |name, sub_config| sub_config.reverse_merge!(shared) end else config.reverse_merge!(shared) end end end elsif ENV["DATABASE_URL"] # Value from ENV['DATABASE_URL'] is set to default database connection # by Active Record. {} else raise "Could not load database configuration. No such file - #{paths["config/database"].instance_variable_get(:@paths)}" end config rescue => e raise e, "Cannot load database configuration:\n#{e.message}", e.backtrace end
def debug_exception_response_format
def debug_exception_response_format @debug_exception_response_format || :default end
def default_credentials_content_path
def default_credentials_content_path if credentials_available_for_current_env? root.join("config", "credentials", "#{Rails.env}.yml.enc") else root.join("config", "credentials.yml.enc") end end
def default_credentials_key_path
def default_credentials_key_path if credentials_available_for_current_env? root.join("config", "credentials", "#{Rails.env}.key") else root.join("config", "master.key") end end
def default_log_file
def default_log_file path = paths["log"].first unless File.exist? File.dirname path FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname path end f = path, "a" f.binmode f.sync = autoflush_log # if true make sure every write flushes f end
def encoding=(value)
def encoding=(value) @encoding = value silence_warnings do Encoding.default_external = value Encoding.default_internal = value end end
def initialize(*)
def initialize(*) super self.encoding = Encoding::UTF_8 @allow_concurrency = nil @consider_all_requests_local = false @filter_parameters = [] @filter_redirect = [] @helpers_paths = [] if Rails.env.development? @hosts = ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::ALLOWED_HOSTS_IN_DEVELOPMENT + ENV["RAILS_DEVELOPMENT_HOSTS"].to_s.split(",").map(&:strip) else @hosts = [] end @host_authorization = {} @public_file_server = @public_file_server.enabled = true @public_file_server.index_name = "index" @force_ssl = false @ssl_options = {} @session_store = nil @time_zone = "UTC" @beginning_of_week = :monday @log_level = :debug @generators = app_generators @cache_store = [ :file_store, "#{root}/tmp/cache/" ] @railties_order = [:all] @relative_url_root = ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"] @reload_classes_only_on_change = true @file_watcher = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker @exceptions_app = nil @autoflush_log = true @log_formatter = @eager_load = nil @secret_key_base = nil @api_only = false @debug_exception_response_format = nil @x = @enable_dependency_loading = false @read_encrypted_secrets = false @content_security_policy = nil @content_security_policy_report_only = false @content_security_policy_nonce_generator = nil @content_security_policy_nonce_directives = nil @require_master_key = false @loaded_config_version = nil @credentials = @credentials.content_path = default_credentials_content_path @credentials.key_path = default_credentials_key_path @disable_sandbox = false @add_autoload_paths_to_load_path = true @permissions_policy = nil @rake_eager_load = false @server_timing = false end
def load_database_yaml # :nodoc:
tags and load the database.yml for the rake tasks.
This uses a DummyERB custom compiler so YAML can ignore the ERB
configuration values or loading the environment. Do not use this
create the rake tasks for multiple databases without filling in the
Load the database YAML without evaluating ERB. This allows us to
def load_database_yaml # :nodoc: if path = paths["config/database"].existent.first require "rails/application/dummy_erb_compiler" yaml = if YAML.respond_to?(:unsafe_load) YAML.unsafe_load(yaml) || {} else YAML.load(yaml) || {} end else {} end end
def load_defaults(target_version)
{configuration guide}[]
defaults for versions prior to the target version. See the
Loads default configuration values for a target version. This includes
def load_defaults(target_version) case target_version.to_s when "5.0" if respond_to?(:action_controller) action_controller.per_form_csrf_tokens = true action_controller.forgery_protection_origin_check = true action_controller.urlsafe_csrf_tokens = false end ActiveSupport.to_time_preserves_timezone = true if respond_to?(:active_record) active_record.belongs_to_required_by_default = true end self.ssl_options = { hsts: { subdomains: true } } when "5.1" load_defaults "5.0" if respond_to?(:assets) assets.unknown_asset_fallback = false end if respond_to?(:action_view) action_view.form_with_generates_remote_forms = true end when "5.2" load_defaults "5.1" if respond_to?(:active_record) active_record.cache_versioning = true end if respond_to?(:action_dispatch) action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption = true end if respond_to?(:active_support) active_support.use_authenticated_message_encryption = true active_support.hash_digest_class = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1 end if respond_to?(:action_controller) action_controller.default_protect_from_forgery = true end if respond_to?(:action_view) action_view.form_with_generates_ids = true end when "6.0" load_defaults "5.2" if respond_to?(:action_view) action_view.default_enforce_utf8 = false end if respond_to?(:action_dispatch) action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata = true end if respond_to?(:action_mailer) action_mailer.delivery_job = "ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob" end if respond_to?(:active_storage) active_storage.queues.analysis = :active_storage_analysis active_storage.queues.purge = :active_storage_purge active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many = true end if respond_to?(:active_record) active_record.collection_cache_versioning = true end when "6.1" load_defaults "6.0" if respond_to?(:active_record) active_record.has_many_inversing = true active_record.legacy_connection_handling = false end if respond_to?(:active_job) active_job.retry_jitter = 0.15 end if respond_to?(:action_dispatch) action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection = :lax action_dispatch.ssl_default_redirect_status = 308 end if respond_to?(:action_controller) action_controller.delete(:urlsafe_csrf_tokens) end if respond_to?(:action_view) action_view.form_with_generates_remote_forms = false action_view.preload_links_header = true end if respond_to?(:active_storage) active_storage.track_variants = true active_storage.queues.analysis = nil active_storage.queues.purge = nil end if respond_to?(:action_mailbox) action_mailbox.queues.incineration = nil action_mailbox.queues.routing = nil end if respond_to?(:action_mailer) action_mailer.deliver_later_queue_name = nil end ActiveSupport.utc_to_local_returns_utc_offset_times = true when "7.0" load_defaults "6.1" if respond_to?(:action_dispatch) action_dispatch.default_headers = { "X-Frame-Options" => "SAMEORIGIN", "X-XSS-Protection" => "0", "X-Content-Type-Options" => "nosniff", "X-Download-Options" => "noopen", "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies" => "none", "Referrer-Policy" => "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" } action_dispatch.return_only_request_media_type_on_content_type = false action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :json end if respond_to?(:action_view) action_view.button_to_generates_button_tag = true action_view.apply_stylesheet_media_default = false end if respond_to?(:active_support) active_support.hash_digest_class = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256 active_support.key_generator_hash_digest_class = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256 active_support.remove_deprecated_time_with_zone_name = true active_support.cache_format_version = 7.0 active_support.use_rfc4122_namespaced_uuids = true active_support.executor_around_test_case = true active_support.disable_to_s_conversion = true end if respond_to?(:action_mailer) action_mailer.smtp_timeout = 5 end if respond_to?(:active_storage) active_storage.video_preview_arguments = "-vf 'select=eq(n\\,0)+eq(key\\,1)+gt(scene\\,0.015),loop=loop=-1:size=2,trim=start_frame=1'" \ " -frames:v 1 -f image2" active_storage.variant_processor = :vips active_storage.multiple_file_field_include_hidden = true end if respond_to?(:active_record) active_record.verify_foreign_keys_for_fixtures = true active_record.partial_inserts = false active_record.automatic_scope_inversing = true end if respond_to?(:action_controller) action_controller.raise_on_open_redirects = true action_controller.wrap_parameters_by_default = true end else raise "Unknown version #{target_version.to_s.inspect}" end @loaded_config_version = target_version end
def paths
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def paths: () -> Rails::Paths::Root
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def paths @paths ||= begin paths = super paths.add "config/database", with: "config/database.yml" paths.add "config/secrets", with: "config", glob: "secrets.yml{,.enc}" paths.add "config/environment", with: "config/environment.rb" paths.add "lib/templates" paths.add "log", with: "log/#{Rails.env}.log" paths.add "public" paths.add "public/javascripts" paths.add "public/stylesheets" paths.add "tmp" paths end end
def permissions_policy(&block)
def permissions_policy(&block) if block_given? @permissions_policy = else @permissions_policy end end
def session_store(new_session_store = nil, **options)
# use ActionDispatch::Session::MyCustomStore as the session store
the +ActionDispatch::Session+ namespace:
If a custom store is specified as a symbol, it will be resolved to
config.session_options # => {key: "_your_app_session"}
config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_your_app_session"
Additional options will be set as +session_options+:
+:disabled+. +:disabled+ tells Rails not to deal with sessions.
are +:cookie_store+, +:mem_cache_store+, a custom store, or
Specifies what class to use to store the session. Possible values
def session_store(new_session_store = nil, **options) if new_session_store if new_session_store == :active_record_store begin ActionDispatch::Session::ActiveRecordStore rescue NameError raise "`ActiveRecord::SessionStore` is extracted out of Rails into a gem. " \ "Please add `activerecord-session_store` to your Gemfile to use it." end end @session_store = new_session_store @session_options = options || {} else case @session_store when :disabled nil when :active_record_store ActionDispatch::Session::ActiveRecordStore when Symbol ActionDispatch::Session.const_get(@session_store.to_s.camelize) else @session_store end end end
def session_store? # :nodoc:
def session_store? # :nodoc: @session_store end