class Rails::SourceAnnotationExtractor
def find_in(dir)
Rails::SourceAnnotationExtractor::Annotation.extensions are
with their annotations. Files with extensions registered in
Returns a hash that maps filenames under +dir+ (recursively) to arrays
def find_in(dir) results = {} Dir.glob("#{dir}/*") do |item| next if File.basename(item).start_with?(".") if results.update(find_in(item)) else extension = Annotation.extensions.detect do |regexp, _block| regexp.match(item) end if extension pattern = # In case a user-defined pattern returns nothing for the given set # of tags, we exit early. next unless pattern # If a user-defined pattern returns a regular expression, we will # wrap it in a PatternExtractor to keep the same API. pattern = if pattern.is_a?(Regexp) annotations = pattern.annotations(item) results.update(item => annotations) if annotations.any? end end end results end