module RakeCompilerDock
def exec(*args, &block)
* Option +:groupname+ can be used to overwrite the group name in the container
* Option +:username+ can be used to overwrite the user name in the container
* Option +:options+ can be an Array of additional options to the 'docker run' command.
* Option +:runas+ can be set to false to execute the command as user root.
* Option +:sigfw+ can be set to false to not stop the container on Ctrl-C.
* Option +:check_docker+ can be set to false to disable the docker check.
If not set, rake's verbose flag is used.
* Option +:verbose+ can be set to enable printing of the command line.
Without a block a RuntimeError is raised when the command exits non-zero.
If a block is given, upon command completion the block is called with an OK flag (true on a zero exit status) and a Process::Status object.
The command is run directly, without the shell.
Run the command cmd within a fresh rake-compiler-dock container.
def exec(*args, &block) Starter.exec(*args, &block) end