# Local Rake override to fix bug in Ruby 0.8.2 module Test # :nodoc: # Local Rake override to fix bug in Ruby 0.8.2 module Unit # :nodoc: # Local Rake override to fix bug in Ruby 0.8.2 module Collector # :nodoc: # Local Rake override to fix bug in Ruby 0.8.2 class Dir # :nodoc: undef collect_file def collect_file(name, suites, already_gathered) # :nodoc: dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(name)) $:.unshift(dir) unless $:.first == dir if(@req) @req.require(name) else require(name) end find_test_cases(already_gathered).each{|t| add_suite(suites, t.suite)} ensure $:.delete_at $:.rindex(dir) end end end end end