class RDoc::CodeObject
def comment=(comment)
def comment=(comment) @comment = case comment when NilClass then '' when RDoc::Markup::Document then comment when RDoc::Comment then comment.normalize else if comment and not comment.empty? then normalize_comment comment else # HACK correct fix is to have #initialize create @comment # with the correct encoding if String === @comment and Object.const_defined? :Encoding and @comment.empty? then @comment.force_encoding comment.encoding end @comment end end end
def display?
def display? @document_self and not @ignored and (documented? or not @suppressed) end
def document_children=(document_children)
def document_children=(document_children) return unless @track_visibility @document_children = document_children unless @done_documenting end
def document_self=(document_self)
def document_self=(document_self) return unless @track_visibility return if @done_documenting @document_self = document_self @received_nodoc = true if document_self.nil? end
def documented?
def documented? @received_nodoc or !@comment.empty? end
def done_documenting=(value)
def done_documenting=(value) return unless @track_visibility @done_documenting = value @document_self = !value @document_children = @document_self end
def each_parent
def each_parent code_object = self while code_object = code_object.parent do yield code_object end self end
def file_name
def file_name return unless @file @file.absolute_name end
def force_documentation=(value)
def force_documentation=(value) @force_documentation = value unless @done_documenting end
def full_name= full_name
def full_name= full_name @full_name = full_name end
def ignore
def ignore return unless @track_visibility @ignored = true stop_doc end
def ignored?
def ignored? @ignored end
def initialize
def initialize @metadata = {} @comment = '' @parent = nil @parent_name = nil # for loading @parent_class = nil # for loading @section = nil @section_title = nil # for loading @file = nil @full_name = nil @store = nil @track_visibility = true initialize_visibility end
def initialize_visibility # :nodoc:
def initialize_visibility # :nodoc: @document_children = true @document_self = true @done_documenting = false @force_documentation = false @received_nodoc = false @ignored = false @suppressed = false @track_visibility = true end
def options
def options if @store and @store.rdoc then @store.rdoc.options else end end
def parent
def parent return @parent if @parent return nil unless @parent_name if @parent_class == RDoc::TopLevel then @parent = @store.add_file @parent_name else @parent = @store.find_class_or_module @parent_name return @parent if @parent begin @parent = @store.load_class @parent_name rescue RDoc::Store::MissingFileError nil end end end
def parent_file_name
def parent_file_name @parent ? @parent.base_name : '(unknown)' end
def parent_name
def parent_name @parent ? @parent.full_name : '(unknown)' end
def record_location top_level
def record_location top_level @ignored = false @suppressed = false @file = top_level end
def section
def section return @section if @section @section = parent.add_section @section_title if parent end
def start_doc
def start_doc return if @done_documenting @document_self = true @document_children = true @ignored = false @suppressed = false end
def stop_doc
def stop_doc return unless @track_visibility @document_self = false @document_children = false end
def store= store
def store= store @store = store return unless @track_visibility if :nodoc == options.visibility then initialize_visibility @track_visibility = false end end
def suppress
def suppress return unless @track_visibility @suppressed = true stop_doc end
def suppressed?
def suppressed? @suppressed end