class RDoc::Servlet
def error exception, req, res
def error exception, req, res backtrace = exception.backtrace.join "\n" res.content_type = 'text/html' res.status = 500 res.body = <<-BODY DOCTYPE html> tml> ead> eta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> itle>Error - #{ERB::Util.html_escape exception.class}</title> ink type="text/css" media="screen" href="#{@mount_path}/css/rdoc.css" rel="stylesheet"> head> ody> 1>Error</h1> >While processing <code>#{ERB::Util.html_escape req.request_uri}</code> the oc (#{ERB::Util.html_escape RDoc::VERSION}) server has encountered a ode>#{ERB::Util.html_escape exception.class}</code> ception: re>#{ERB::Util.html_escape exception.message}</pre> >Please report this to the href="">RDoc issues tracker</a>. Please clude the RDoc version, the URI above and exception class, message and cktrace. If you're viewing a gem's documentation, include the gem name and rsion. If you're viewing Ruby's documentation, include the version of ruby. >Backtrace: re>#{ERB::Util.html_escape backtrace}</pre> body> html> BODY end