module RDoc::Text
def to_html text
def to_html text html = (''.encode text.encoding).dup encoded = RDoc::Text::TO_HTML_CHARACTERS[text.encoding] s = text insquotes = false indquotes = false after_word = nil until s.eos? do case when s.scan(/<(tt|code)>.*?<\/\1>/) then # skip contents of tt html << s.matched.gsub('\\\\', '\\') when s.scan(/<(tt|code)>.*?/) then warn "mismatched <#{s[1]}> tag" # TODO signal file/line html << s.matched when s.scan(/<[^>]+\/?s*>/) then # skip HTML tags html << s.matched when s.scan(/\\(\S)/) then # unhandled suppressed crossref html << s[1] after_word = nil when s.scan(/\.\.\.(\.?)/) then html << s[1] << encoded[:ellipsis] after_word = nil when s.scan(/\(c\)/i) then html << encoded[:copyright] after_word = nil when s.scan(/\(r\)/i) then html << encoded[:trademark] after_word = nil when s.scan(/---/) then html << encoded[:em_dash] after_word = nil when s.scan(/--/) then html << encoded[:en_dash] after_word = nil when s.scan(/"|"/) then html << encoded[indquotes ? :close_dquote : :open_dquote] indquotes = !indquotes after_word = nil when s.scan(/``/) then # backtick double quote html << encoded[:open_dquote] after_word = nil when s.scan(/(?:'|'){2}/) then # tick double quote html << encoded[:close_dquote] after_word = nil when s.scan(/`/) then # backtick if insquotes or after_word html << '`' after_word = false else html << encoded[:open_squote] insquotes = true end when s.scan(/'|'/) then # single quote if insquotes html << encoded[:close_squote] insquotes = false elsif after_word # Mary's dog, my parents' house: do not start paired quotes html << encoded[:close_squote] else html << encoded[:open_squote] insquotes = true end after_word = nil else # advance to the next potentially significant character match = s.scan(/.+?(?=[<\\.("'`&-])/) #" if match then html << match after_word = match =~ /\w$/ else html << break end end end html end