class RDoc::TomDoc
def self.add_post_processor # :nodoc:
def self.add_post_processor # :nodoc: RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.post_process do |comment, code_object| next unless code_object and RDoc::Comment === comment and comment.format == 'tomdoc' comment.text.gsub!(/(\A\s*# )(Public|Internal|Deprecated):\s+/) do section = code_object.add_section $2 code_object.temporary_section = section $1 end end end
def self.parse text
def self.parse text parser = new parser.tokenize text doc = parser.parse doc doc end
def self.signature comment
def self.signature comment return unless comment.tomdoc? document = comment.parse signature = nil found_heading = false found_signature = false do |part| next false if found_signature found_heading ||= RDoc::Markup::Heading === part && part.text == 'Signature' next false unless found_heading next true if RDoc::Markup::BlankLine === part if RDoc::Markup::Verbatim === part then signature = part found_signature = true end end signature and signature.text end
def build_heading level
def build_heading level heading = super @section = heading.text heading end
def build_paragraph margin
def build_paragraph margin p :paragraph_start => margin if @debug paragraph = until @tokens.empty? do type, data, = get case type when :TEXT then @section = 'Returns' if data =~ /\A(Returns|Raises)/ paragraph << data when :NEWLINE then if :TEXT == peek_token[0] then # Lines beginning with 'Raises' in the Returns section should not be # treated as multiline text if 'Returns' == @section and peek_token[1].start_with?('Raises') then break else paragraph << ' ' end else break end else unget break end end p :paragraph_end => margin if @debug paragraph end
def build_verbatim margin
def build_verbatim margin verbatim = super verbatim.format = :ruby if @section == 'Examples' verbatim end
def initialize
def initialize super @section = nil @seen_returns = false end
def parse_text parent, indent # :nodoc:
def parse_text parent, indent # :nodoc: paragraph = build_paragraph indent if false == @seen_returns and 'Returns' == @section then @seen_returns = true parent <<, 'Returns') parent << end parent << paragraph end
def tokenize text
def tokenize text text = text.sub(/\A(Public|Internal|Deprecated):\s+/, '') setup_scanner text until @s.eos? do pos = @s.pos # leading spaces will be reflected by the column of the next token # the only thing we loose are trailing spaces at the end of the file next if @s.scan(/ +/) @tokens << case when @s.scan(/\r?\n/) then token = [:NEWLINE, @s.matched, *pos] @s.newline! token when @s.scan(/(Examples|Signature)$/) then @tokens << [:HEADER, 3, *pos] [:TEXT, @s[1], *pos] when @s.scan(/([:\w][\w\[\]]*)[ ]+- /) then [:NOTE, @s[1], *pos] else @s.scan(/.*/) [:TEXT, @s.matched.sub(/\r$/, ''), *pos] end end self end