class Reline::LineEditor
def search_next_char(key, arg, need_prev_char: false, inclusive: false)
def search_next_char(key, arg, need_prev_char: false, inclusive: false) .instance_of?(String) ted_char = key ted_char = key.chr otal = nil = nil = false byteslice(@byte_pointer..-1).grapheme_clusters.each do |mbchar| tal has [byte_size, cursor] ss total skip cursor point dth = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) tal = [mbchar.bytesize, width] inputed_char == mbchar arg -= 1 if found = true break end d dth = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) ev_total = total tal = [total.first + mbchar.bytesize, total.last + width] need_prev_char and found and total _size, width = total e_pointer += byte_size sor += width need_prev_char and found and prev_total _size, width = prev_total e_pointer += byte_size sor += width lusive _size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(@line, @byte_pointer) yte_size > 0 = @line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, byte_size) dth = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(c) yte_pointer += byte_size ursor += width ng_proc = nil