module Responders::ControllerMethod
def responders(*responders)
responders :flash, MyCustomResponder
Or a mix of both methods:
responders FlashResponder, HttpCacheResponder
Also allows passing in the responders modules in directly, so you could do:
Takes symbols and strings and translates them to VariableResponder (eg. :flash becomes FlashResponder).
responders :flash, :http_cache
class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
which responders you want per controller.
Adds the given responders to the current controller's responder, allowing you to cherry-pick
def responders(*responders) self.responder = responders.inject( do |klass, responder| responder = \ case responder when Module responder when String, Symbol Responders.const_get("#{responder.to_s.camelize}Responder") else raise "responder has to be a string, a symbol or a module" end klass.send(:include, responder) klass end end