module Roda::RodaPlugins::Base::ClassMethods
def build_rack_app
def build_rack_app if block = @route_block builder = @middleware.each{|a, b| builder.use(*a, &b)} lambda{|env|, &block)} @app = builder.to_app end end
def call(env)
However, for performance, it's better to use #app to get direct
This allows the class itself to be used as a rack application.
Call the internal rack application with the given environment.
def call(env) end
def clear_middleware!
def clear_middleware! @middleware.clear build_rack_app end
def hash_matcher(key, &block)
# matches when param foo has value bar
r.on :foo=>'bar' do
route do
self['foo'] == v
hash_matcher(:foo) do |v|
class App < Roda
match, and anything else to match.
call the block. The block should return nil or false to not
block, so that using a hash key in a request match method will
Create a match_#{key} method in the request class using the given
def hash_matcher(key, &block) request_module{define_method(:"match_#{key}", &block)} end
def inherited(subclass)
When inheriting Roda, copy the shared data into the subclass,
def inherited(subclass) super subclass.instance_variable_set(:@inherit_middleware, @inherit_middleware) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@middleware, @inherit_middleware ? @middleware.dup : []) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@opts, opts.dup) subclass.opts.to_a.each do |k,v| if (v.is_a?(Array) || v.is_a?(Hash)) && !v.frozen? subclass.opts[k] = v.dup end end subclass.instance_variable_set(:@route_block, @route_block) subclass.send(:build_rack_app) request_class = request_class.roda_class = subclass request_class.match_pattern_cache = thread_safe_cache subclass.const_set(:RodaRequest, request_class) response_class = response_class.roda_class = subclass subclass.const_set(:RodaResponse, response_class) end
def module_include(type, mod)
def module_include(type, mod) if type == :response klass = self::RodaResponse iv = :@response_module else klass = self::RodaRequest iv = :@request_module end if mod raise RodaError, "can't provide both argument and block to response_module" if block_given? klass.send(:include, mod) else if instance_variable_defined?(iv) mod = instance_variable_get(iv) else mod = instance_variable_set(iv, klass.send(:include, mod) end mod.module_eval(& if block_given? end mod end
def plugin(plugin, *args, &block)
Roda.plugin PluginModule
which will be required and then used.
which is used directly, or a symbol represented a registered plugin
Load a new plugin into the current class. A plugin can be a module
def plugin(plugin, *args, &block) if plugin.is_a?(Symbol) plugin = RodaPlugins.load_plugin(plugin) end if plugin.respond_to?(:load_dependencies) plugin.load_dependencies(self, *args, &block) end if defined?(plugin::InstanceMethods) include(plugin::InstanceMethods) end if defined?(plugin::ClassMethods) extend(plugin::ClassMethods) end if defined?(plugin::RequestMethods) self::RodaRequest.send(:include, plugin::RequestMethods) end if defined?(plugin::RequestClassMethods) self::RodaRequest.extend(plugin::RequestClassMethods) end if defined?(plugin::ResponseMethods) self::RodaResponse.send(:include, plugin::ResponseMethods) end if defined?(plugin::ResponseClassMethods) self::RodaResponse.extend(plugin::ResponseClassMethods) end if plugin.respond_to?(:configure) plugin.configure(self, *args, &block) end end
def request_module(mod = nil, &block)
Roda.route do |r|
"#{request_method} #{path_info}"
def description
Roda.request_module do
Roda.request_module SomeModule
the block. Example:
is provided instead of a module, create a module using the
Include the given module in the request class. If a block
def request_module(mod = nil, &block) module_include(:request, mod, &block) end
def response_module(mod = nil, &block)
Roda.route do |r|
self.status = 500
def error!
Roda.response_module do
Roda.response_module SomeModule
the block. Example:
is provided instead of a module, create a module using the
Include the given module in the response class. If a block
def response_module(mod = nil, &block) module_include(:response, mod, &block) end
def route(&block)
This should only be called once per class, and if called multiple
r.root do
Roda.route do |r|
argument should be named +r+. Example:
a block, which is yielded the request. By convention, the block
underlying rack application using the stored middleware. Requires
Setup routing tree for the current Roda application, and build the
def route(&block) @route_block = block build_rack_app end
def thread_safe_cache
A new thread safe cache instance. This is a method so it can be
def thread_safe_cache end
def use(*args, &block)
called before calling #route to have an effect. Example:
Add a middleware to use for the rack application. Must be
def use(*args, &block) @middleware << [args, block] build_rack_app end