module Roda::RodaPlugins::Render::InstanceMethods
def cached_template(opts, &block)
If caching templates, attempt to retrieve the template from the cache. Otherwise, just yield
def cached_template(opts, &block) if cache = render_opts[:cache] key = opts[:key] unless template = cache[key] template = cache[key] = yield end template else yield end end
def find_template(opts)
Given the template name and options, return the template class, template path/content,
def find_template(opts) if content = opts[:inline] path = opts[:path] = content template_class = opts[:template_class] ||= ::Tilt[opts[:engine] || render_opts[:engine]] opts[:template_block] ={content} else path = opts[:path] ||= template_path(opts) template_class = opts[:template_class] opts[:template_class] ||= ::Tilt end if render_opts[:cache] template_opts = opts[:template_opts] if opts[:opts] && !template_opts RodaPlugins.deprecate("The render method :opts option is deprecated and will be removed in Roda 2. Switch to using the :template_opts option") template_opts = opts[:opts] end template_block = opts[:template_block] if !content key = if template_class || template_opts || template_block [path, template_class, template_opts, template_block] else path end opts[:key] = key end opts end
def parse_template_opts(template, opts)
def parse_template_opts(template, opts) template = {:template=>template} unless template.is_a?(Hash) opts.merge(template) end
def render(template, opts = OPTS, &block)
def render(template, opts = OPTS, &block) opts = find_template(parse_template_opts(template, opts)) cached_template(opts) do template_opts = render_opts[:template_opts] current_template_opts = opts[:template_opts] if opts[:opts] && !current_template_opts RodaPlugins.deprecate("The render method :opts option is deprecated and will be removed in Roda 2. Switch to using the :template_opts option") current_template_opts = opts[:opts] end template_opts = template_opts.merge(current_template_opts) if current_template_opts opts[:template_class].new(opts[:path], 1, template_opts, &opts[:template_block]) end.render(self, (opts[:locals]||OPTS), &block) end
def render_opts
is not currently frozen, it may be frozen in a future version,
Return the render options for the instance's class. While this
def render_opts self.class.render_opts end
def template_name(opts)
def template_name(opts) opts[:template].to_s end
def template_path(opts)
def template_path(opts) render_opts = render_opts() "#{opts[:views] || render_opts[:views]}/#{template_name(opts)}.#{opts[:ext] || render_opts[:ext] || render_opts[:engine]}" end
def view(template, opts=OPTS)
for the class, take the result of the template rendering
Render the given template. If there is a default layout
def view(template, opts=OPTS) opts = parse_template_opts(template, opts) content = opts[:content] || render(opts) if layout = opts.fetch(:layout, (OPTS if render_opts[:layout])) layout_opts = render_opts[:layout_opts] if opts[:layout_opts] layout_opts = opts[:layout_opts].merge(layout_opts) end content = render(layout, layout_opts){content} end content end