module Roda::RodaPlugins::Base::ClassMethods
def _define_roda_method_arg_numbers(callable)
and whether the callable accepts keyword arguments (true, false
whether the callable accepts any additional arguments,
Return the number of required argument, optional arguments,
def _define_roda_method_arg_numbers(callable) optional_args = 0 rest = false keyword = false do |arg_type, _| case arg_type when :opt optional_args += 1 when :rest rest = true when :keyreq keyword = :required when :key, :keyrest keyword ||= true end end arity = callable.arity if arity < 0 arity = arity.abs - 1 end required_args = arity arity -= 1 if keyword == :required if callable.is_a?(Proc) && !callable.lambda? optional_args -= arity end [required_args, optional_args, rest, keyword] end
def app
def app @app || build_rack_app end
def base_rack_app_callable(new_api=true)
def base_rack_app_callable(new_api=true) if new_api lambda{|env| new(env)._roda_handle_main_route} else block = @rack_app_route_block lambda{|env| new(env).call(&block)} end end
def build_rack_app
def build_rack_app app = base_rack_app_callable(use_new_dispatch_api?) @middleware.reverse_each do |args, bl| mid, *args = args app =, *args, &bl) app.freeze if opts[:freeze_middleware] end @app = app end
def call(env)
However, for performance, it's better to use #app to get direct
This allows the class itself to be used as a rack application.
Call the internal rack application with the given environment.
def call(env) end
def clear_middleware!
def clear_middleware! @middleware.clear @app = nil end
def convert_route_block(block)
which can include route blocks that are delegated to by the main route block.
Modify the route block to use for any route block provided as input,
def convert_route_block(block) block end
def def_roda_after
in order, if any _roda_after_* methods are defined. Also, use
Build a _roda_after method that calls each _roda_after_* method
def def_roda_after meths = private_instance_methods.grep(/\A_roda_after_\d\d/).sort unless meths.empty? plugin :error_handler unless private_method_defined?(:_roda_after) if meths.length == 1 class_eval("alias _roda_after #{meths.first}", __FILE__, __LINE__) else class_eval("def _roda_after(res); #{{|s| "#{s}(res)"}.join(';')} end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end private :_roda_after alias_method :_roda_after, :_roda_after end end
def def_roda_before
in order, if any _roda_before_* methods are defined. Also, rebuild
Build a _roda_before method that calls each _roda_before_* method
def def_roda_before meths = private_instance_methods.grep(/\A_roda_before_\d\d/).sort unless meths.empty? plugin :_before_hook unless private_method_defined?(:_roda_before) if meths.length == 1 class_eval("alias _roda_before #{meths.first}", __FILE__, __LINE__) else class_eval("def _roda_before; #{meths.join(';')} end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end private :_roda_before alias_method :_roda_before, :_roda_before end end
def define_roda_method(meth, expected_arity, &block)
Roda does not support blocks with required keyword arguments if the
fixes Roda uses for regular blocks would not work for lambda blocks.
Roda only checks arity for regular blocks, not lambda blocks, as the
to adjust arity dynamically.
:check_dynamic_arity app option can be to :warn to warn if Roda needs
set to false to turn off the dynamic arity checks. The
where the arity matches. The :check_dynamic_arity app option can be
when the method is called, which can hurt performance even in the case
If the expected arity is :any, Roda must perform a dynamic arity check
cases where the arity does not match what is expected.
cases where it does not. If it is set to :warn, Roda will warn in the
the arity of the block matches the expected arity, and compensate for
If the :check_arity app option is not set to false, Roda will check that
1 (single argument), or :any (any number of arguments).
that string. The expected arity should be either 0 (no arguments),
If the name is given as a String, a unique name will be generated using
expected arity. If the name is given as a Symbol, it is used directly.
Define an instance method using the block with the provided name and
def define_roda_method(meth, expected_arity, &block) if meth.is_a?(String) meth = roda_method_name(meth) end call_meth = meth # RODA4: Switch to false # :warn in last Roda 3 version if (check_arity = opts.fetch(:check_arity, true)) && !block.lambda? required_args, optional_args, rest, keyword = _define_roda_method_arg_numbers(block) if keyword == :required && (expected_arity == 0 || expected_arity == 1) raise RodaError, "cannot use block with required keyword arguments when calling define_roda_method with expected arity #{expected_arity}" end case expected_arity when 0 unless required_args == 0 if check_arity == :warn RodaPlugins.warn "Arity mismatch in block passed to define_roda_method. Expected Arity 0, but arguments required for #{block.inspect}" end b = block block = lambda{instance_exec(&b)} # Fallback end when 1 if required_args == 0 && optional_args == 0 && !rest if check_arity == :warn RodaPlugins.warn "Arity mismatch in block passed to define_roda_method. Expected Arity 1, but no arguments accepted for #{block.inspect}" end temp_method = roda_method_name("temp") class_eval("def #{temp_method}(_) #{meth =~ /\A\w+\z/ ? "#{meth}_arity" : "send(:\"#{meth}_arity\")"} end", __FILE__, __LINE__) alias_method meth, temp_method undef_method temp_method private meth alias_method meth, meth meth = :"#{meth}_arity" elsif required_args > 1 if check_arity == :warn RodaPlugins.warn "Arity mismatch in block passed to define_roda_method. Expected Arity 1, but multiple arguments required for #{block.inspect}" end b = block block = lambda{|r| instance_exec(r, &b)} # Fallback end when :any if check_dynamic_arity = opts.fetch(:check_dynamic_arity, check_arity) if keyword # Complexity of handling keyword arguments using define_method is too high, # Fallback to instance_exec in this case. b = block block = if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.7' eval('lambda{|*a, **kw| instance_exec(*a, **kw, &b)}', nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) # Keyword arguments fallback else # :nocov: lambda{|*a| instance_exec(*a, &b)} # Keyword arguments fallback # :nocov: end else arity_meth = meth meth = :"#{meth}_arity" end end else raise RodaError, "unexpected arity passed to define_roda_method: #{expected_arity.inspect}" end end define_method(meth, &block) private meth alias_method meth, meth if arity_meth required_args, optional_args, rest, keyword = _define_roda_method_arg_numbers(instance_method(meth)) max_args = required_args + optional_args define_method(arity_meth) do |*a| arity = a.length if arity > required_args if arity > max_args && !rest if check_dynamic_arity == :warn RodaPlugins.warn "Dynamic arity mismatch in block passed to define_roda_method. At most #{max_args} arguments accepted, but #{arity} arguments given for #{block.inspect}" end a = a.slice(0, max_args) end elsif arity < required_args if check_dynamic_arity == :warn RodaPlugins.warn "Dynamic arity mismatch in block passed to define_roda_method. #{required_args} args required, but #{arity} arguments given for #{block.inspect}" end a.concat([nil] * (required_args - arity)) end send(meth, *a) end private arity_meth alias_method arity_meth, arity_meth end call_meth end
def expand_path(path, root=opts[:root])
def expand_path(path, root=opts[:root]) ::File.expand_path(path, root) end
def freeze
Note that freezing the class prevents you from subclassing it, mostly because
be raised if you try to modify the internal state after calling this.
internal state at runtime anyway, but this makes sure an exception will
It's optional to call this method, as nothing should be modifying the
Freeze the internal state of the class, to avoid thread safety issues at runtime.
def freeze return self if frozen? unless opts[:subclassed] # If the _roda_run_main_route instance method has not been overridden, # make it an alias to _roda_main_route for performance if instance_method(:_roda_run_main_route).owner == InstanceMethods class_eval("alias _roda_run_main_route _roda_main_route") end self::RodaResponse.class_eval do if instance_method(:set_default_headers).owner == ResponseMethods && instance_method(:default_headers).owner == ResponseMethods private alias set_default_headers set_default_headers def set_default_headers @headers[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE] ||= 'text/html' end end end if @middleware.empty? && use_new_dispatch_api? plugin :direct_call end if ([:on, :is, :_verb, :_match_class_String, :_match_class_Integer, :_match_string, :_match_regexp, :empty_path?, :if_match, :match, :_match_class]).all?{|m| self::RodaRequest.instance_method(m).owner == RequestMethods} plugin :_optimized_matching end end build_rack_app @opts.freeze @middleware.freeze super end
def include(*a)
Rebuild the _roda_before and _roda_after methods whenever a plugin might
def include(*a) res = super def_roda_before def_roda_after res end
def inherited(subclass)
When inheriting Roda, copy the shared data into the subclass,
def inherited(subclass) raise RodaError, "Cannot subclass a frozen Roda class" if frozen? # Mark current class as having been subclassed, as some optimizations # depend on the class not being subclassed opts[:subclassed] = true super subclass.instance_variable_set(:@inherit_middleware, @inherit_middleware) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@middleware, @inherit_middleware ? @middleware.dup : []) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@opts, opts.dup) subclass.opts.delete(:subclassed) subclass.opts.to_a.each do |k,v| if (v.is_a?(Array) || v.is_a?(Hash)) && !v.frozen? subclass.opts[k] = v.dup end end if block = @raw_route_block subclass.route(&block) end request_class = request_class.roda_class = subclass request_class.match_pattern_cache = subclass.const_set(:RodaRequest, request_class) response_class = response_class.roda_class = subclass subclass.const_set(:RodaResponse, response_class) end
def plugin(plugin, *args, &block)
Roda.plugin PluginModule
class has been subclassed, as doing so can break the subclasses.
Note that you should not load plugins into a Roda class after the
which will be required and then used. Returns nil.
which is used directly, or a symbol representing a registered plugin
Load a new plugin into the current class. A plugin can be a module
def plugin(plugin, *args, &block) raise RodaError, "Cannot add a plugin to a frozen Roda class" if frozen? plugin = RodaPlugins.load_plugin(plugin) if plugin.is_a?(Symbol) raise RodaError, "Invalid plugin type: #{plugin.class.inspect}" unless plugin.is_a?(Module) if !plugin.respond_to?(:load_dependencies) && !plugin.respond_to?(:configure) && (!args.empty? || block) # RODA4: switch from warning to error RodaPlugins.warn("Plugin #{plugin} does not accept arguments or a block, but arguments or a block was passed when loading this. This will raise an error in Roda 4.") end plugin.load_dependencies(self, *args, &block) if plugin.respond_to?(:load_dependencies) include(plugin::InstanceMethods) if defined?(plugin::InstanceMethods) extend(plugin::ClassMethods) if defined?(plugin::ClassMethods) self::RodaRequest.send(:include, plugin::RequestMethods) if defined?(plugin::RequestMethods) self::RodaRequest.extend(plugin::RequestClassMethods) if defined?(plugin::RequestClassMethods) self::RodaResponse.send(:include, plugin::ResponseMethods) if defined?(plugin::ResponseMethods) self::RodaResponse.extend(plugin::ResponseClassMethods) if defined?(plugin::ResponseClassMethods) plugin.configure(self, *args, &block) if plugin.respond_to?(:configure) @app = nil end
def rack_app_route_block(block)
if any before hooks are defined.
By default, modifies the rack app route block to support before hooks
entry point to the route block).
The route block to use when building the rack app (or other initial
def rack_app_route_block(block) block end
def route(&block)
This should only be called once per class, and if called multiple
r.root do
Roda.route do |r|
argument should be named +r+. Example:
a block, which is yielded the request. By convention, the block
underlying rack application using the stored middleware. Requires
Setup routing tree for the current Roda application, and build the
def route(&block) unless block RodaPlugins.warn "no block passed to Roda.route" return end @raw_route_block = block @route_block = block = convert_route_block(block) @rack_app_route_block = block = rack_app_route_block(block) public define_roda_method(:_roda_main_route, 1, &block) @app = nil end
def set_default_headers
def set_default_headers @headers[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE] ||= 'text/html' end
def use(*args, &block)
called before calling #route to have an effect. Example:
Add a middleware to use for the rack application. Must be
def use(*args, &block) @middleware << [args, block].freeze @app = nil end
def use_new_dispatch_api?
def use_new_dispatch_api? # RODA4: remove this method ancestors.each do |mod| break if mod == InstanceMethods meths = mod.instance_methods(false) if meths.include?(:call) && !(meths.include?(:_roda_handle_main_route) || meths.include?(:_roda_run_main_route)) RodaPlugins.warn <<WARNING back to using #call for dispatching for #{self}, due to #call override in #{mod}. hould be fixed to adjust to Roda's new dispatch API, and override _roda_handle_main_route or _roda_run_main_route return false end end true end