module Roda::RodaPlugins::RouteCsrf::InstanceMethods
def check_csrf!(opts=OPTS, &block)
Otherwise, if a block is given, treat it as a routing block and yield to it, and
If the CSRF token is valid or the request does not require a CSRF token, return nil.
Check that the submitted CSRF token is valid, if the request requires a CSRF token.
def check_csrf!(opts=OPTS, &block) if msg = csrf_invalid_message(opts) if block @_request.on(&block) end case failure_action = opts.fetch(:csrf_failure, csrf_options[:csrf_failure]) when :raise raise InvalidToken, msg when :empty_403 @_response.status = 403 headers = @_response.headers headers.clear headers[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE] = 'text/html' headers[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH] ='0' throw :halt, @_response.finish_with_body([]) when :clear_session session.clear when :csrf_failure_method @_request.on{_roda_route_csrf_failure(@_request)} when Proc RodaPlugins.warn "Passing a Proc as the :csrf_failure option value to check_csrf! is deprecated" @_request.on{instance_exec(@_request, &failure_action)} # Deprecated else raise RodaError, "Unsupported :csrf_failure option: #{failure_action.inspect}" end end end
def csrf_compare(s1, s2)
def csrf_compare(s1, s2) Rack::Utils.secure_compare(s1, s2) end
def csrf_field
The name of the hidden input tag containing the CSRF token. Also used as the name
def csrf_field csrf_options[:field] end
def csrf_formaction_tag(path, *args)
depending on which button was clicked. See csrf_token for arguments, but the
with formaction, so the same form can be used to submit to multiple endpoints
An HTML hidden input tag string containing the CSRF token, used for inputs
def csrf_formaction_tag(path, *args) "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"#{csrf_options[:formaction_field]}[#{Rack::Utils.escape_html(path)}]\" value=\"#{csrf_token(path, *args)}\" \/>" end
def csrf_header
The HTTP header name to use when submitting CSRF tokens in an HTTP header, if
def csrf_header csrf_options[:header] end
def csrf_hmac(random_data, method, path)
def csrf_hmac(random_data, method, path) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, csrf_secret, "#{method.to_s.upcase}#{path}#{random_data}") end
def csrf_invalid_message(opts)
Returns error message string if the CSRF token is not valid.
def csrf_invalid_message(opts) opts = opts.empty? ? csrf_options : csrf_options.merge(opts) method = request.request_method unless opts[:check_request_methods].include?(method) return end path = @_request.path unless encoded_token = opts[:token] encoded_token = case opts[:check_header] when :only env[opts[:env_header]] when true return (csrf_invalid_message(opts.merge(:check_header=>false)) && csrf_invalid_message(opts.merge(:check_header=>:only))) else params = @_request.params ((formactions = params[opts[:formaction_field]]).is_a?(Hash) && (formactions[path])) || params[opts[:field]] end end unless encoded_token.is_a?(String) return "encoded token is not a string" end if (rack_csrf_key = opts[:upgrade_from_rack_csrf_key]) && (rack_csrf_value = session[rack_csrf_key]) && csrf_compare(rack_csrf_value, encoded_token) return end # 31 byte random initialization vector # 32 byte HMAC # 63 bytes total # 84 bytes when base64 encoded unless encoded_token.bytesize == 84 return "encoded token length is not 84" end begin submitted_hmac = Base64_.decode64(encoded_token) rescue ArgumentError return "encoded token is not valid base64" end random_data = submitted_hmac.slice!(0...31) if csrf_compare(csrf_hmac(random_data, method, path), submitted_hmac) return end if opts[:require_request_specific_tokens] "decoded token is not valid for request method and path" else unless csrf_compare(csrf_hmac(random_data, '', ''), submitted_hmac) "decoded token is not valid for either request method and path or for blank method and path" end end end
def csrf_metatag
An HTML meta tag string containing a CSRF token that is not request-specific.
def csrf_metatag "<meta name=\"#{csrf_field}\" content=\"#{csrf_token}\" \/>" end
def csrf_options
def csrf_options opts[:route_csrf] end
def csrf_path(action)
worry about the different types of form actions (relative paths, absolute
This makes it easier to generate request-specific tokens without having to
Given a form action, return the appropriate path to use for the CSRF token.
def csrf_path(action) case action when nil, '', /\A[#?]/ # use current path request.path when /\A(?:https?:\/)?\// # Either full URI or absolute path, extract just the path URI.parse(action).path else # relative path, join to current path URI.join(request.url, action).path end end
def csrf_secret
secret, stored base64 encoded in the session (to handle cases where
If a secret has not already been specified, generate a random 32-byte
def csrf_secret key = session[csrf_options[:key]] ||= SecureRandom.base64(32) Base64_.decode64(key) end
def csrf_tag(*args)
An HTML hidden input tag string containing the CSRF token. See csrf_token for
def csrf_tag(*args) "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"#{csrf_field}\" value=\"#{csrf_token(*args)}\" \/>" end
def csrf_token(path=nil, method=('POST' if path))
be assumed. To generate a token for a non-POST request method, pass the
argument. By default, it a path is provided, the POST request method will
The value of the csrf token. For a path specific token, provide a path
def csrf_token(path=nil, method=('POST' if path)) token = SecureRandom.random_bytes(31) token << csrf_hmac(token, method, path) [token].pack("m0") end
def use_request_specific_csrf_tokens?
def use_request_specific_csrf_tokens? csrf_options[:require_request_specific_tokens] end
def valid_csrf?(opts=OPTS)
Whether the submitted CSRF token is valid for the request. True if the
def valid_csrf?(opts=OPTS) csrf_invalid_message(opts).nil? end