class Roda::RodaPlugins::Flash::FlashHash
used in the following request.
Simple flash hash, where assiging to the hash updates the flash
def []=(k, v)
def []=(k, v) @next[k] = v end
def discard(key=(no_arg=true))
Remove given key from the next hash, or clear the next hash if
def discard(key=(no_arg=true)) if no_arg @next.clear else @next.delete(key) end end
def initialize(hash={})
Setup the next hash when initializing, and handle treat nil
def initialize(hash={}) super(hash||{}) @next = {} end
def keep(key=(no_arg=true))
next hash, or copy all entries from the current hash to the
Copy the entry with the given key from the current hash to the
def keep(key=(no_arg=true)) if no_arg @next.merge!(self) else self[key] = self[key] end end
def sweep
def sweep replace(@next) @next.clear self end