class Rouge::Formatters::HTML
Transforms a token stream into HTML output.
def initialize(opts={})
) -- -
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def initialize(opts={}) @css_class = opts.fetch(:css_class, 'highlight') @css_class = " class=#{@css_class.inspect}" if @css_class @line_numbers = opts.fetch(:line_numbers, false) @start_line = opts.fetch(:start_line, 1) @inline_theme = opts.fetch(:inline_theme, nil) @inline_theme = Theme.find(@inline_theme).new if @inline_theme.is_a? String @wrap = opts.fetch(:wrap, true) end
def span(tok, val)
def span(tok, val) val = val.gsub(/[&<>]/, TABLE_FOR_ESCAPE_HTML) shortname = tok.shortname or raise "unknown token: #{tok.inspect} for #{val.inspect}" if shortname.empty? yield val else if @inline_theme rules = @inline_theme.style_for(tok).rendered_rules yield "<span style=\"#{rules.to_a.join(';')}\">#{val}</span>" else yield "<span class=\"#{shortname}\">#{val}</span>" end end end
def stream(tokens, &b)
- Yield: - the html output.
def stream(tokens, &b) if @line_numbers stream_tableized(tokens, &b) else stream_untableized(tokens, &b) end end
def stream_tableized(tokens)
def stream_tableized(tokens) num_lines = 0 last_val = '' formatted = '' tokens.each do |tok, val| last_val = val num_lines += val.scan(/\n/).size span(tok, val) { |str| formatted << str } end # add an extra line for non-newline-terminated strings if last_val[-1] != "\n" num_lines += 1 span(Token::Tokens::Text::Whitespace, "\n") { |str| formatted << str } end # generate a string of newline-separated line numbers for the gutter> numbers = %<<pre class="lineno">#{(@start_line..num_lines+@start_line-1) .to_a.join("\n")}</pre>> yield "<div#@css_class>" if @wrap yield '<table style="border-spacing: 0"><tbody><tr>' # the "gl" class applies the style for Generic.Lineno yield '<td class="gutter gl" style="text-align: right">' yield numbers yield '</td>' yield '<td class="code">' yield '<pre>' yield formatted yield '</pre>' yield '</td>' yield "</tr></tbody></table>\n" yield "</div>\n" if @wrap end
def stream_untableized(tokens, &b)
def stream_untableized(tokens, &b) yield "<pre><code#@css_class>" if @wrap tokens.each{ |tok, val| span(tok, val, &b) } yield "</code></pre>\n" if @wrap end