# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true # Based on Chroma's MiniZinc lexer: # module Rouge module Lexers class MiniZinc < RegexLexer title "MiniZinc" desc "MiniZinc is a free and open-source constraint modeling language (" tag 'minizinc' filenames '*.mzn', '*.fzn', '*.dzn' mimetypes 'text/minizinc' def self.builtins @builtins = %w[ abort abs acosh array_intersect array_union array1d array2d array3d array4d array5d array6d asin assert atan bool2int card ceil concat cos cosh dom dom_array dom_size fix exp floor index_set index_set_1of2 index_set_2of2 index_set_1of3 index_set_2of3 index_set_3of3 int2float is_fixed join lb lb_array length ln log log2 log10 min max pow product round set2array show show_int show_float sin sinh sqrt sum tan tanh trace ub ub_array ] end def self.keywords @keywords = %w[ ann annotation any constraint else endif function for forall if include list of op output minimize maximize par predicate record satisfy solve test then type var where ] end def self.keywords_type @keywords_type ||= %w( array set bool enum float int string tuple ) end def self.operators @operators ||= %w( in subset superset union diff symdiff intersect ) end id = /[$a-zA-Z_]\w*/ state :root do rule %r(\s+)m, Text::Whitespace rule %r(\\\n)m, Text::Whitespace rule %r(%.*), Comment::Single rule %r(/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/)m, Comment::Multiline rule %r/"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"/, Literal::String rule %r(not|<->|->|<-|\\/|xor|/\\), Operator rule %r(<|>|<=|>=|==|=|!=), Operator rule %r(\+|-|\*|/|div|mod), Operator rule %r(\\|\.\.|\+\+), Operator rule %r([|()\[\]{},:;]), Punctuation rule %r((true|false)\b), Keyword::Constant rule %r(([+-]?)\d+(\.(?!\.)\d*)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?), Literal::Number rule id do |m| if self.class.keywords.include? m[0] token Keyword elsif self.class.keywords_type.include? m[0] token Keyword::Type elsif self.class.builtins.include? m[0] token Name::Builtin elsif self.class.operators.include? m[0] token Operator else token Name::Other end end rule %r(::\s*([^\W\d]\w*)(\s*\([^\)]*\))?), Name::Decorator rule %r(\b([^\W\d]\w*)\b(\()) do groups Name::Function, Punctuation end rule %r([^\W\d]\w*), Name::Other end end end end