# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Rouge
module Lexers
class Rust < RegexLexer
title "Rust"
desc 'The Rust programming language (rust-lang.org)'
tag 'rust'
aliases 'rs',
# So that directives from https://github.com/budziq/rust-skeptic
# do not prevent highlighting.
'rust,no_run', 'rs,no_run',
'rust,ignore', 'rs,ignore',
'rust,should_panic', 'rs,should_panic'
filenames '*.rs'
mimetypes 'text/x-rust'
def self.detect?(text)
return true if text.shebang? 'rustc'
def self.keywords
@keywords ||= %w(
as async await break const continue crate dyn else enum extern false
fn for if impl in let log loop match mod move mut pub ref return self
Self static struct super trait true type unsafe use where while
abstract become box do final macro
override priv typeof unsized virtual
yield try
def self.builtins
@builtins ||= Set.new %w(
Add BitAnd BitOr BitXor bool c_char c_double c_float char
c_int clock_t c_long c_longlong Copy c_schar c_short
c_uchar c_uint c_ulong c_ulonglong c_ushort c_void dev_t DIR
dirent Div Eq Err f32 f64 FILE float fpos_t
i16 i32 i64 i8 isize Index ino_t int intptr_t mode_t Mul
Neg None off_t Ok Option Ord Owned pid_t ptrdiff_t
Send Shl Shr size_t Some ssize_t str Sub time_t
u16 u32 u64 u8 usize uint uintptr_t
Box Vec String Rc Arc
u128 i128 Result Sync Pin Unpin Sized Drop drop Fn FnMut FnOnce
Clone PartialEq PartialOrd AsMut AsRef From Into Default
DoubleEndedIterator ExactSizeIterator Extend IntoIterator Iterator
FromIterator ToOwned ToString TryFrom TryInto
def macro_closed?
start {
@macro_delims = { ']' => 0, ')' => 0, '}' => 0 }
push :bol
delim_map = { '[' => ']', '(' => ')', '{' => '}' }
id = /[\p{XID_Start}_]\p{XID_Continue}*/
hex = /[0-9a-f]/i
escapes = %r(
\\ ([nrt'"\\0] | x#{hex}{2} | u\{(#{hex}_*){1,6}\})
size = /8|16|32|64|128|size/
# Although not officially part of Rust, the rustdoc tool allows code in
# comments to begin with `#`. Code like this will be evaluated but not
# included in the HTML output produced by rustdoc. So that code intended
# for these comments can be higlighted with Rouge, the Rust lexer needs
# to check if the beginning of the line begins with a `# `.
state :bol do
mixin :whitespace
rule %r/#\s[^\n]*/, Comment::Special
rule(//) { pop! }
state :attribute do
mixin :whitespace
mixin :has_literals
rule %r/[(,)=:]/, Name::Decorator
rule %r/\]/, Name::Decorator, :pop!
rule id, Name::Decorator
state :whitespace do
rule %r/\s+/, Text
mixin :comments
state :comments do
# Only 3 slashes are doc comments, `////` and beyond become normal
# comments again (for some reason), so match this before the
# doc line comments rather than figure out a
rule %r(////+[^\n]*), Comment::Single
# doc line comments — either inner (`//!`), or outer (`///`).
rule %r(//[/!][^\n]*), Comment::Doc
# otherwise, `//` is just a plain line comme
rule %r(//[^\n]*), Comment::Single
# /**/ and /***/ are self-closing block comments, not doc. Because this
# is self-closing, it doesn't enter the states for nested comments
rule %r(/\*\*\*?/), Comment::Multiline
# 3+ stars and it's a normal non-doc block comment.
rule %r(/\*\*\*+), Comment::Multiline, :nested_plain_block
# `/*!` and `/**` begin doc comments. These nest and can have internal
# block/doc comments, but they're still part of the documentation
# inside.
rule %r(/[*][*!]), Comment::Doc, :nested_doc_block
# any other /* is a plain multiline comment
rule %r(/[*]), Comment::Multiline, :nested_plain_block
# Multiline/block comments fully nest. This is true for ones that are
# marked as documentation too. The behavior here is:
# - Anything inside a block doc comment is still included in the
# documentation, even if it's a nested non-doc block comment. For
# example: `/** /* still docs */ */`
# - Anything inside of a block non-doc comment is still just a normal
# comment, even if it's a nested block documentation comment. For
# example: `/* /** not docs */ */`
# This basically means: if (on the outermost level) the comment starts as
# one kind of block comment (either doc/non-doc), then everything inside
# of it, including nested block comments of the opposite type, needs to
# stay that type.
# Also note that single line comments do nothing anywhere inside of block
# comments, thankfully.
# We just define this as two states, because this seems easier than
# tracking it with instance vars.
[:nested_plain_block, Comment::Multiline],
[:nested_doc_block, Comment::Doc]
].each do |state_name, comment_token|
state state_name do
rule %r(\*/), comment_token, :pop!
rule %r(/\*), comment_token, state_name
# We only want to eat at most one `[*/]` at a time,
# but we can skip past non-`[*/]` in bulk.
rule %r([^*/]+|[*/]), comment_token
state :root do
rule %r/\n/, Text, :bol
mixin :whitespace
rule %r/#!?\[/, Name::Decorator, :attribute
rule %r/\b(?:#{Rust.keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword
mixin :has_literals
rule %r([=-]>), Keyword
rule %r(<->), Keyword
rule %r/[()\[\]{}|,:;]/, Punctuation
rule %r/[*\/!@~&+%^<>=\?-]|\.{2,3}/, Operator
rule %r/([.]\s*)?#{id}(?=\s*[(])/m, Name::Function
rule %r/[.]\s*await\b/, Keyword
rule %r/[.]\s*#{id}/, Name::Property
rule %r/[.]\s*\d+/, Name::Attribute
rule %r/(#{id})(::)/m do
groups Name::Namespace, Punctuation
# macros
rule %r/\bmacro_rules!/, Name::Decorator, :macro_rules
rule %r/#{id}!/, Name::Decorator, :macro
rule %r/'static\b/, Keyword
rule %r/'#{id}/, Name::Variable
rule %r/#{id}/ do |m|
name = m[0]
if self.class.builtins.include? name
token Name::Builtin
token Name
state :macro do
mixin :has_literals
rule %r/[\[{(]/ do |m|
@macro_delims[delim_map[m[0]]] += 1
puts " macro_delims: #{@macro_delims.inspect}" if @debug
token Punctuation
rule %r/[\]})]/ do |m|
@macro_delims[m[0]] -= 1
puts " macro_delims: #{@macro_delims.inspect}" if @debug
pop! if macro_closed?
token Punctuation
# same as the rule in root, but don't push another macro state
rule %r/#{id}!/, Name::Decorator
mixin :root
# No syntax errors in macros
rule %r/./, Text
state :macro_rules do
rule %r/[$]#{id}(:#{id})?/, Name::Variable
rule %r/[$]/, Name::Variable
mixin :macro
state :has_literals do
# constants
rule %r/\b(?:true|false)\b/, Keyword::Constant
# characters/bytes
rule %r(
b?' (?: #{escapes} | [^\\] ) '
)x, Str::Char
rule %r/b?"/, Str, :string
rule %r/b?r(#*)".*?"\1/m, Str
# numbers
dot = /[.][0-9][0-9_]*/
exp = /[eE][-+]?[0-9_]+/
flt = /f32|f64/
rule %r(
(#{dot} #{exp}? #{flt}?
|#{dot}? #{exp} #{flt}?
|#{dot}? #{exp}? #{flt}
)x, Num::Float
rule %r(
( 0b[10_]+
| 0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+
| 0o[0-7_]+
| [0-9][0-9_]*
) (u#{size}?|i#{size})?
)x, Num::Integer
state :string do
rule %r/"/, Str, :pop!
rule escapes, Str::Escape
rule %r/[^"\\]+/m, Str