class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentListMatcher

@see ArgumentMatchers
This class is immutable.
arg_list_matcher.args_match?(123, :a => ‘b’)
arg_list_matcher =, hash_including(:a => ‘b’))
include RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
require ‘rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher’
matching without using the rest of rspec-mocks.
enables 3rd party mocking libs to take advantage of rspec’s argument
Can also be used directly to match the contents of any ‘Array`. This
expect(object).to receive(:message).with(hash_including(:a => ’b’))
match against the real objects .e.g.
Values passed to ‘with` can be literal values or argument matchers that
object.message(:a, ’b’, 3)
expect(object).to receive(:message).with(:a, ‘b’, 3)
the ‘with` method on a `MessageExpectation`:
Wrapper for matching arguments against a list of expected values. Used by

def args_match?(*args)

Other tags:
    See: #initialize -

  • args (Array) --

Other tags:
    Api: - public
def args_match?(*args)
  Support::FuzzyMatcher.values_match?(resolve_expected_args_based_on(args), args)

def ensure_expected_args_valid!

def ensure_expected_args_valid!
  if expected_args.count { |a| ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher::INSTANCE == a } > 1
    raise ArgumentError, "`any_args` can only be passed to " \
          "`with` once but you have passed it multiple times."
  elsif expected_args.count > 1 && expected_args.any? { |a| ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher::INSTANCE == a }
    raise ArgumentError, "`no_args` can only be passed as a " \
          "singleton argument to `with` (i.e. `with(no_args)`), " \
          "but you have passed additional arguments."

def initialize(*expected_args)

Other tags:
    See: #args_match? -
    See: ArgumentMatchers -

  • expected_args (Array) -- a list of expected literals and/or argument matchers

Other tags:
    Api: - public
def initialize(*expected_args)
  @expected_args = expected_args

def replace_any_args_with_splat_of_anything(before_count, actual_args_count)

def replace_any_args_with_splat_of_anything(before_count, actual_args_count)
  any_args_count  = actual_args_count   - expected_args.count + 1
  after_count     = expected_args.count - before_count        - 1
  any_args = 1.upto(any_args_count).map { ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgMatcher::INSTANCE }
  expected_args.first(before_count) + any_args + expected_args.last(after_count)

def resolve_expected_args_based_on(actual_args)

Other tags:
    Private: -
def resolve_expected_args_based_on(actual_args)
  return [] if [ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher::INSTANCE] == expected_args
  any_args_index = expected_args.index { |a| ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher::INSTANCE == a }
  return expected_args unless any_args_index
  replace_any_args_with_splat_of_anything(any_args_index, actual_args.count)