module RSpec module Rails # @api public # Container class for system tests module SystemExampleGroup extend ActiveSupport::Concern include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate include ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner include ActionDispatch::Assertions include ActionController::TemplateAssertions # Special characters to translate into underscores for #method_name CHARS_TO_TRANSLATE = ['/', '.', ':', ',', "'", '"', " "].freeze # @private module BlowAwayTeardownHooks # @private def before_teardown end # @private def after_teardown end end # for the SystemTesting Screenshot situation def passed? return false if RSpec.current_example.exception return true unless defined?(::RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator) failure_notifier = ::RSpec::Support.failure_notifier return true unless failure_notifier.is_a?(::RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator) failure_notifier.failures.empty? && failure_notifier.other_errors.empty? end # @private def method_name @method_name ||= [, RSpec.current_example.description.underscore ].join("_").tr(CHARS_TO_TRANSLATE.join, "_").byteslice(0...200).scrub("") + "_#{rand(1000)}" end if ::Rails::VERSION::STRING.to_f >= 7.1 # @private # Allows failure screenshot to work whilst not exposing metadata class SuppressRailsScreenshotMetadata def initialize @example_data = {} end def [](key) if @example_data.key?(key) @example_data[key] else raise_wrong_scope_error end end def []=(key, value) if key == :failure_screenshot_path @example_data[key] = value else raise_wrong_scope_error end end def method_missing(_name, *_args, &_block) raise_wrong_scope_error end private def raise_wrong_scope_error raise RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::WrongScopeError, "`metadata` is not available from within an example " \ "(e.g. an `it` block) or from constructs that run in the " \ "scope of an example (e.g. `before`, `let`, etc). It is " \ "only available on an example group (e.g. a `describe` or "\ "`context` block)" end end # @private def metadata @metadata ||= end end # Delegates to `Rails.application`. def app ::Rails.application end # Default driver to assign if none specified. DEFAULT_DRIVER = if ::Rails::VERSION::STRING.to_f >= 7.2 :selenium_chrome_headless else :selenium end included do |other| ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_dispatch_system_test_case) do ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::Server.silence_puma = true end require 'action_dispatch/system_test_case' begin require 'capybara' rescue LoadError => e abort """ LoadError: #{e.message} System test integration has a hard dependency on a webserver and `capybara`, please add capybara to your Gemfile and configure a webserver (e.g. `Capybara.server = :puma`) before attempting to use system specs. """.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip end original_before_teardown = ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown.instance_method(:before_teardown) original_after_teardown = ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown.instance_method(:after_teardown) other.include ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown other.include ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper other.include BlowAwayTeardownHooks attr_reader :driver if ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::Server.respond_to?(:silence_puma=) ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::Server.silence_puma = true end def initialize(*args, &blk) super(*args, &blk) @driver = nil self.class.before do # A user may have already set the driver, so only default if driver # is not set driven_by(DEFAULT_DRIVER) unless @driver end end def driven_by(driver, **driver_options, &blk) @driver = ::ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase.driven_by(driver, **driver_options, &blk).tap(&:use) end before do @routes = ::Rails.application.routes end after do orig_stdout = $stdout $stdout = begin original_before_teardown.bind(self).call ensure myio = $stdout myio.rewind RSpec.current_example.metadata[:extra_failure_lines] = myio.readlines $stdout = orig_stdout end end around do |example| original_after_teardown.bind(self).call end end end end end