class RuboCop::AST::PairNode
to all ‘pair` nodes within RuboCop.
node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
A node extension for `pair` nodes. This will be used in place of a plain
def colon?
- whether this `pair` uses a colon delimiter
def colon? end
def delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: deprecated.first)
- the delimiter of the `pair`
) -- whether to include spacing
def delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: deprecated.first) if with_spacing hash_rocket? ? SPACED_HASH_ROCKET : SPACED_COLON else hash_rocket? ? HASH_ROCKET : COLON end end
def hash_rocket?
- whether this `pair` uses a hash rocket delimiter
def hash_rocket? end
def inverse_delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: deprecated.first)
- the inverse delimiter of the `pair`
) -- whether to include spacing
def inverse_delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: deprecated.first) if with_spacing hash_rocket? ? SPACED_COLON : SPACED_HASH_ROCKET else hash_rocket? ? COLON : HASH_ROCKET end end
def value_omission?
- whether this `pair` uses hash value omission
def value_omission? source.end_with?(':') end
def value_on_new_line?
- whether the value in the `pair` starts its own line
def value_on_new_line? key.loc.line != value.loc.line end