class Gem::Tasks::Console
def console(name=nil)
(Symbol, String
) --
def console(name=nil) gemspec = @project.gemspec(name) require_paths = gemspec.require_paths require_file = gemspec.files.find { |path| path.start_with?('lib/') } arguments = [@command] # add -I options for lib/ or ext/ directories arguments.push(* { |dir| "-I#{dir}" }) # add a -rrubygems to explicitly load rubygems on Ruby 1.8 arguments.push('-rrubygems') if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' # add an -r option to require the library arguments.push('-r' + require_file.sub('lib/','')) if require_file # push on additional options arguments.push(*@options) if @project.bundler? # use `bundle console` unless were were using custom command/options if (@command == DEFAULT_CONSOLE && @options.empty?) arguments = ['bundle', 'console'] else arguments.unshift('bundle', 'exec') end end return run(*arguments) end