class Rufo::Formatter
def visit_call_at_paren(node, args)
def visit_call_at_paren(node, args) consume_token :on_lparen # If there's a trailing comma then comes [:arg_paren, args], # which is a bit unexpected, so we fix it if args[1].is_a?(Array) && args[1][0].is_a?(Array) args_node = [:args_add_block, args[1], false] else args_node = args[1] end if args_node skip_space needs_trailing_newline = newline? || comment? if needs_trailing_newline && (call_info = @line_to_call_info[@line]) call_info << true end want_trailing_comma = true # Check if there's a block arg and if the call ends with hash key/values if args_node[0] == :args_add_block _, args, block_arg = args_node want_trailing_comma = !block_arg if args.is_a?(Array) && (last_arg = args.last) && last_arg.is_a?(Array) && last_arg[0].is_a?(Symbol) && last_arg[0] != :bare_assoc_hash want_trailing_comma = false end end push_call(node) do visit args_node skip_space end found_comma = comma? heredoc_needs_newline = true if found_comma if needs_trailing_newline write "," if trailing_commas && !block_arg next_token heredoc_needs_newline = !newline? indent(next_indent) do consume_end_of_line end write_indent else next_token skip_space end end if newline? || comment? if needs_trailing_newline && !@last_was_heredoc write "," if trailing_commas && want_trailing_comma indent(next_indent) do consume_end_of_line end write_indent else skip_space_or_newline end else if needs_trailing_newline && !found_comma write "," if trailing_commas && want_trailing_comma && !@last_was_heredoc consume_end_of_line write_indent end end else skip_space_or_newline end # If the closing parentheses matches the indent of the first parameter, # keep it like that. Otherwise dedent. if call_info && call_info[1] != current_token_column call_info << @line end if @last_was_heredoc && heredoc_needs_newline write_line write_indent end consume_token :on_rparen end