class Rufo::Command
def self.parse_options(argv)
def self.parse_options(argv) exit_code, want_check = true, false filename_for_dot_rufo = nil do |opts| opts.version = Rufo::VERSION opts.banner = "Usage: rufo files or dirs [options]" opts.on("-c", "--check", "Only check formating changes") do want_check = true end opts.on("--filename=value", "Filename to use to lookup .rufo (useful for STDIN formatting)") do |value| filename_for_dot_rufo = value end opts.on("-x", "--simple-exit", "Return 1 in the case of failure, else 0") do exit_code = false end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse!(argv) [want_check, exit_code, filename_for_dot_rufo] end