class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Select
def deselect_all
def deselect_all raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'you may only deselect all options of a multi-select' unless multiple? options.each { |e| deselect_option e } end
def deselect_by(how, what)
def deselect_by(how, what) case how when :text deselect_by_text what when :value deselect_by_value what when :index deselect_by_index what else raise ArgumentError, "can't deselect options by #{how.inspect}" end end
def deselect_by_index(index)
def deselect_by_index(index) raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'you may only deselect option of a multi-select' unless multiple? opts = find_by_index index return deselect_option(opts.first) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate option with index: #{index}" end
def deselect_by_text(text)
def deselect_by_text(text) raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'you may only deselect option of a multi-select' unless multiple? opts = find_by_text text return deselect_options(opts) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate element with text: #{text.inspect}" end
def deselect_by_value(value)
def deselect_by_value(value) raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'you may only deselect option of a multi-select' unless multiple? opts = find_by_value value return deselect_options(opts) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate option with value: #{value.inspect}" end
def deselect_option(option)
def deselect_option(option) if option.selected? end
def deselect_options(opts)
def deselect_options(opts) if multiple? opts.each { |o| deselect_option o } else deselect_option opts.first end end
def find_by_index(index)
def find_by_index(index) { |option| == index } end
def find_by_text(text)
def find_by_text(text) xpath = ".//option[normalize-space(.) = #{Escaper.escape text}]" opts = @element.find_elements(xpath: xpath) return opts unless opts.empty? && /\s+/.match?(text) longest_word = text.split(/\s+/).max_by(&:length) if longest_word.empty? candidates = options else xpath = ".//option[contains(., #{Escaper.escape longest_word})]" candidates = @element.find_elements(xpath: xpath) end return Array(candidates.find { |option| text == option.text }) unless multiple? { |option| text == option.text } end
def find_by_value(value)
def find_by_value(value) @element.find_elements(xpath: ".//option[@value = #{Escaper.escape value}]") end
def first_selected_option
def first_selected_option option = options.find(&:selected?) return option if option raise Error::NoSuchElementError, 'no options are selected' end
def initialize(element)
def initialize(element) tag_name = element.tag_name raise ArgumentError, "unexpected tag name #{tag_name.inspect}" unless tag_name.casecmp('select').zero? @element = element @multi = ![nil, 'false'].include?(element.dom_attribute(:multiple)) end
def multiple?
def multiple? @multi end
def options
def options @element.find_elements tag_name: 'option' end
def select_all
def select_all raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'you may only select all options of a multi-select' unless multiple? options.each { |e| select_option e } end
def select_by(how, what)
def select_by(how, what) case how when :text select_by_text what when :index select_by_index what when :value select_by_value what else raise ArgumentError, "can't select options by #{how.inspect}" end end
def select_by_index(index)
def select_by_index(index) opts = find_by_index index return select_option(opts.first) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate element with index: #{index.inspect}" end
def select_by_text(text)
def select_by_text(text) opts = find_by_text text return select_options(opts) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate element with text: #{text.inspect}" end
def select_by_value(value)
def select_by_value(value) opts = find_by_value value return select_options(opts) unless opts.empty? raise Error::NoSuchElementError, "cannot locate option with value: #{value.inspect}" end
def select_option(option)
def select_option(option) raise Error::UnsupportedOperationError, 'You may not select a disabled option' unless option.enabled? unless option.selected? end
def select_options(opts)
def select_options(opts) if multiple? opts.each { |o| select_option o } else select_option opts.first end end
def selected_options
def selected_options end