class Sentry::BackgroundWorker
def _perform(&block)
def _perform(&block) end
def initialize(configuration)
def initialize(configuration) @max_queue = 30 @shutdown_timeout = 1 @number_of_threads = configuration.background_worker_threads @logger = configuration.logger @debug = configuration.debug @shutdown_callback = nil @executor = if configuration.async log_debug("config.async is set, BackgroundWorker is disabled") elsif @number_of_threads == 0 log_debug("config.background_worker_threads is set to 0, all events will be sent synchronously") else log_debug("Initializing the background worker with #{@number_of_threads} threads") executor = min_threads: 0, max_threads: @number_of_threads, max_queue: @max_queue, fallback_policy: :discard ) @shutdown_callback = proc do executor.shutdown executor.wait_for_termination(@shutdown_timeout) end executor end end
def perform(&block)
def perform(&block) do begin _perform(&block) rescue Exception => e log_error("exception happened in background worker", e, debug: @debug) end end end
def shutdown
def shutdown log_debug("Shutting down background worker") @shutdown_callback&.call end