class Sprockets::Asset
‘Asset` is the base class for `BundledAsset` and `StaticAsset`.
def self.from_hash(environment, hash)
def self.from_hash(environment, hash) asset = allocate asset.init_with(environment, hash) asset end
def self.serialized_attributes
def self.serialized_attributes %w( id logical_path pathname ) end
def content_type
def content_type @content_type ||= environment.content_type_of(pathname) end
def dependencies
def dependencies [] end
def dependency_fresh?(dep = {})
A `Hash` is used rather than other `Asset` object because we
`dep` is a `Hash` with `path`, `mtime` and `hexdigest` keys.
Check if dependency is fresh.
def dependency_fresh?(dep = {}) path, mtime, hexdigest = dep.values_at('path', 'mtime', 'hexdigest') stat = environment.stat(path) # If path no longer exists, its definitely stale. if stat.nil? return false end # Compare dependency mime to the actual mtime. If the # dependency mtime is newer than the actual mtime, the file # hasn't changed since we created this `Asset` instance. # # However, if the mtime is newer it doesn't mean the asset is # stale. Many deployment environments may recopy or recheckout # assets on each deploy. In this case the mtime would be the # time of deploy rather than modified time. if mtime >= stat.mtime return true end digest = environment.file_digest(path) # If the mtime is newer, do a full digest comparsion. Return # fresh if the digests match. if hexdigest == digest.hexdigest return true end # Otherwise, its stale. false end
def digest
def digest @digest ||= environment.file_digest(pathname).hexdigest end
def digest_path
Return logical path with digest spliced in.
def digest_path environment.attributes_for(logical_path).path_with_fingerprint(digest) end
def each
Add enumerator to allow `Asset` instances to be used as Rack
def each yield to_s end
def encode_with(coder)
def encode_with(coder) coder['class'] =, '') self.class.serialized_attributes.each do |attr| value = send(attr) coder[attr] = case value when Time value.iso8601 else value.to_s end end coder['pathname'] = relativize_root_path(coder['pathname']) end
def eql?(other)
def eql?(other) other.class == self.class && other.relative_pathname == self.relative_pathname && other.mtime.to_i == self.mtime.to_i && other.digest == self.digest end
def expand_root_path(path)
def expand_root_path(path) environment.attributes_for(path).expand_root end
def fresh?
Used to test if cached models need to be rebuilt.
digest to the inmemory model.
Checks if Asset is fresh by comparing the actual mtime and
def fresh? !stale? end
def init_with(environment, coder)
def init_with(environment, coder) @environment = environment @pathname = @mtime = @length = nil self.class.serialized_attributes.each do |attr| instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", coder[attr].to_s) if coder[attr] end if @pathname && @pathname.is_a?(String) # Expand `$root` placeholder and wrapper string in a `Pathname` @pathname = end if @mtime && @mtime.is_a?(String) # Parse time string @mtime = Time.parse(@mtime) end if @length && @length.is_a?(String) # Convert length to an `Integer` @length = Integer(@length) end end
def initialize(environment, logical_path, pathname)
def initialize(environment, logical_path, pathname) @environment = environment @logical_path = logical_path.to_s @pathname = @id = environment.digest.update(object_id.to_s).to_s end
def inspect
def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)} " + "pathname=#{pathname.to_s.inspect}, " + "mtime=#{mtime.inspect}, " + "digest=#{digest.inspect}" + ">" end
def length
def length @length ||= environment.stat(pathname).size end
def mtime
def mtime @mtime ||= environment.stat(pathname).mtime end
def relative_pathname
def relative_pathname end
def relativize_root_path(path)
def relativize_root_path(path) environment.attributes_for(path).relativize_root end
def stale?
digest to the inmemory model.
Checks if Asset is stale by comparing the actual mtime and
def stale? !fresh? end
def to_a
This allows you to link to individual files for debugging
the asset's contents as a whole.
Appending all of an assets body parts together should give you
Expand asset into an `Array` of parts.
def to_a [self] end