class Sprockets::EjsTemplate
For more infomation see:
Tilt engine class for the EJS compiler. Depends on the ‘ejs` gem.
def self.engine_initialized?
def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::EJS end
def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
# => "function(obj){...}"
assigned to a JS variable.
Returns a JS function definition String. The result should be
Compile template data with EJS compiler.
def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) EJS.compile(data) end
def initialize_engine
a thread safetly warning. If you intend to use `.ejs` files, you
Autoload ejs library. If the library isn't loaded, Tilt will produce
def initialize_engine require_template_library 'ejs' end
def prepare
def prepare end