module Sprockets::URIUtils
def build_asset_uri(path, params = {})
params - Hash of optional parameters
path - String file path
# => "file:///tmp/js/"
build("/tmp/js/", type: "application/javascript")
Internal: Build Asset URI.
def build_asset_uri(path, params = {}) join_file_uri("file", nil, path, encode_uri_query_params(params)) end
def build_file_digest_uri(path)
path - String file path
# => "file-digest:/tmp/js/application.js"
Internal: Build file-digest dependency URI.
def build_file_digest_uri(path) join_file_uri("file-digest", nil, path, nil) end
def encode_uri_query_params(params)
params - Hash of params to serialize
Internal: Serialize hash of params into query string.
def encode_uri_query_params(params) query = [] params.each do |key, value| case value when Integer query << "#{key}=#{value}" when String query << "#{key}=#{URI::Generic::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(value)}" when TrueClass query << "#{key}" when FalseClass, NilClass else raise TypeError, "unexpected type: #{value.class}" end end "#{query.join('&')}" if query.any? end
def join_file_uri(scheme, host, path, query)
Internal: Join file: URI component parts into String.
def join_file_uri(scheme, host, path, query) str = "#{scheme}://" str << host if host path = "/#{path}" unless path.start_with?("/") str << URI::Generic::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(path) str << "?#{query}" if query str end
def join_uri(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment)
Internal: Join URI component parts into String.
def join_uri(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment), userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment).to_s end
def parse_asset_uri(uri)
uri - String asset URI
# => "/tmp/js/", {type: "application/javascript"}
Internal: Parse Asset URI.
def parse_asset_uri(uri) scheme, _, path, query = split_file_uri(uri) unless scheme == 'file' raise URI::InvalidURIError, "expected file:// scheme: #{uri}" end return path, parse_uri_query_params(query) end
def parse_file_digest_uri(uri)
uri - String file-digest URI
# => "/tmp/js/application.js"
Internal: Parse file-digest dependency URI.
def parse_file_digest_uri(uri) scheme, _, path, _ = split_file_uri(uri) unless scheme == 'file-digest' raise URI::InvalidURIError, "expected file-digest scheme: #{uri}" end path end
def parse_uri_query_params(query)
query - String query string
Internal: Parse query string into hash of params
def parse_uri_query_params(query) query.to_s.split('&').reduce({}) do |h, p| k, v = p.split('=', 2) v = URI::Generic::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(v) if v h.merge(k.to_sym => v || true) end end
def split_file_uri(uri)
uri - String uri
Internal: Parse file: URI into component parts.
def split_file_uri(uri) scheme, _, host, _, _, path, _, query, _ = URI.split(uri) path = URI::Generic::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(path) path.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) # Hack for parsing Windows "file:///C:/Users/IEUser" paths path = path.gsub(/^\/([a-zA-Z]:)/, '\1') [scheme, host, path, query] end
def split_uri(uri)
uri - String uri
Internal: Parse URI into component parts.
def split_uri(uri) URI.split(uri) end
def valid_asset_uri?(str)
str - Possible String asset URI.
Internal: Check if String is a valid Asset URI.
def valid_asset_uri?(str) # Quick prefix check before attempting a full parse str.start_with?("file://") && parse_asset_uri(str) ? true : false rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end