module Sprockets class Deprecation THREAD_LOCAL__SILENCE_KEY = "_sprockets_deprecation_silence".freeze DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS = { raise: ->(message, callstack) { e = e.set_backtrace( raise e }, stderr: ->(message, callstack) { $stderr.puts(message) }, } attr_reader :callstack def self.silence(&block) Thread.current[THREAD_LOCAL__SILENCE_KEY] = true ensure Thread.current[THREAD_LOCAL__SILENCE_KEY] = false end def initialize(callstack = nil) @callstack = callstack || caller(2) end def warn(message) return if Thread.current[THREAD_LOCAL__SILENCE_KEY] deprecation_message(message).tap do |m| behavior.each { |b|, callstack) } end end private def behavior @behavior ||= [DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS[:stderr]] end def behavior=(behavior) @behavior = Array(behavior).map { |b| DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS[b] || b } end def deprecation_message(message = nil) message ||= "You are using deprecated behavior which will be removed from the next major or minor release." "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{message} #{ deprecation_caller_message }" end def deprecation_caller_message file, line, method = extract_callstack if file if line && method "(called from #{method} at #{file}:#{line})" else "(called from #{file}:#{line})" end end end SPROCKETS_GEM_ROOT = File.expand_path("../../../../..", __FILE__) + "/" def ignored_callstack(path) path.start_with?(SPROCKETS_GEM_ROOT) || path.start_with?(RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir']) end def extract_callstack return _extract_callstack if callstack.first.is_a? String offending_line = callstack.find { |frame| frame.absolute_path && !ignored_callstack(frame.absolute_path) } || callstack.first [offending_line.path, offending_line.lineno, offending_line.label] end def _extract_callstack offending_line = callstack.find { |line| !ignored_callstack(line) } || callstack.first if offending_line if md = offending_line.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*?)')?/) md.captures else offending_line end end end end private_constant :Deprecation end