class Sprockets::UnloadedAsset

def initialize(uri, env)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize: (String uri, Sprockets::CachedEnvironment env) -> void

This signature was generated using 58 samples from 3 applications.

Returns UnloadedAsset.

overriding methods such as `stat` in the `PathUtils` module.
since, for some strange reason, memoization is provided by
is being invoked). We also need it for the `file_digest` method,
We need it so we know where the +root+ (directory where Sprockets
env - The current "environment" that assets are being loaded into.
and full path such as
uri - A String containing complete URI to a file including scheme

Internal: Initialize object for generating cache keys
def initialize(uri, env)
  @uri               = uri.to_s
  @env               = env
  @compressed_path   =, env).compressed_path
  @params            = nil # lazy loaded
  @filename          = nil # lazy loaded