class Sprockets::Context
assets. See ‘DirectiveProcessor` for an example of this.
The `Context` also collects dependencies declared by
<%= asset_url “foo.png” %>
def asset_url; end
include MyHelper
environment.context_class.class_eval do
`Context` directly.
by injecting them into `Environment#context_class`. Do not mix them into
They are typically accessed by ERB templates. You can mix in custom helpers
def asset_data_uri(path)
$('').attr('src', '<%= asset_data_uri 'avatar.jpg' %>')
#logo { background: url(<%= asset_data_uri 'logo.png' %>) }
Use `asset_data_uri` from ERB with CSS or JavaScript assets:
Uses URI encoding for SVG files, base64 encoding for all the other files.
path, and marks that path as a dependency of the current file.
Returns a `data:` URI with the contents of the asset at the specified
def asset_data_uri(path) asset = depend_on_asset(path) if asset.content_type == 'image/svg+xml' svg_asset_data_uri(asset) else base64_asset_data_uri(asset) end end
def asset_path(path, options = {})
basic implementation may be provided with different methods that
customized by the application. Though, in the future, some
NOTE: This helper is currently not implemented and should be
Expands logical path to full url to asset.
def asset_path(path, options = {}) message = <<-EOS om asset_path helper is not implemented nd your environment context with a custom method. environment.context_class.class_eval do def asset_path(path, options = {}) end end EOS raise NotImplementedError, message end
def audio_path(path)
def audio_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :audio) end
def base64_asset_data_uri(asset)
def base64_asset_data_uri(asset) data = Rack::Utils.escape(EncodingUtils.base64(asset.source)) "data:#{asset.content_type};base64,#{data}" end
def depend_on(path)
the dependency file will invalidate the cache of the
This is used for caching purposes. Any changes made to
including it.
`depend_on` allows you to state a dependency on a file without
def depend_on(path) if environment.absolute_path?(path) && environment.stat(path) @dependencies << environment.build_file_digest_uri(path) else resolve(path) end nil end
def depend_on_asset(path)
file. Unlike `depend_on`, this will recursively include
invalidate the dependency asset will invalidate the source
This is used for caching purposes. Any changes that would
without including it.
`depend_on_asset` allows you to state an asset dependency
def depend_on_asset(path) load(resolve(path)) end
def depend_on_env(key)
This is used for caching purposes. Any changes in the value of the
`depend_on_env` allows you to state a dependency on an environment
def depend_on_env(key) @dependencies << "env:#{key}" end
def env_proxy
def env_proxy end
def font_path(path)
def font_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :font) end
def image_path(path)
def image_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :image) end
def initialize(input)
def initialize(input) @environment = input[:environment] @metadata = input[:metadata] @load_path = input[:load_path] @logical_path = input[:name] @filename = input[:filename] @dirname = File.dirname(@filename) @content_type = input[:content_type] @required =[:required]) @stubbed =[:stubbed]) @links =[:links]) @dependencies =[:metadata][:dependencies]) end
def javascript_path(path)
def javascript_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :javascript) end
def link_asset(path)
easy to construct a link to it.
including it. The target asset is returned from this function making it
`link_asset` declares an external dependency on an asset without directly
def link_asset(path) asset = depend_on_asset(path) @links << asset.uri asset end
def load(uri)
uri - AssetURI
Public: Load Asset by AssetURI and track it as a dependency.
def load(uri) asset = environment.load(uri) @dependencies.merge(asset.metadata[:dependencies]) asset end
def metadata
def metadata { required: @required, stubbed: @stubbed, links: @links, dependencies: @dependencies } end
def optimize_quoted_uri_escapes!(escaped)
Un-escapes characters in the given URI-escaped string that do not need
def optimize_quoted_uri_escapes!(escaped) escaped.gsub!('%3D', '=') escaped.gsub!('%3A', ':') escaped.gsub!('%2F', '/') escaped.gsub!('%27', "'")!('+', ' ') end
def optimize_svg_for_uri_escaping!(svg)
* Removes comments, meta, doctype, and newlines.
* Replaces " with ', because ' does not need escaping.
This method only performs these basic but crucial optimizations:
Optimizes an SVG for being URI-escaped.
def optimize_svg_for_uri_escaping!(svg) # Remove comments, xml meta, and doctype svg.gsub!(/<!--.*?-->|<\?.*?\?>|<!.*?>/m, '') # Replace consecutive whitespace and newlines with a space svg.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # Collapse inter-tag whitespace svg.gsub!('> <', '><') # Replace " with ' svg.gsub!(/([\w:])="(.*?)"/, "\\1='\\2'") svg.strip! end
def require_asset(path)
<%= require_asset "#{framework}.js" %>
require assets.
If ERB processing is enabled, you can use it to dynamically
included once.
dependency will be inserted before the file and will only be
`require_asset` declares `path` as a dependency of the file. The
def require_asset(path) @required << resolve(path, accept: @content_type, pipeline: :self) nil end
def resolve(path, **kargs)
accept - String content accept type
path - String logical or absolute path
# => "file:///path/to/app/javascripts/bar.js?type=application/javascript"
# => "file:///path/to/app/javascripts/foo.js?type=application/javascript"
restrict the search.
Relative paths will also be resolved. An accept type maybe given to
Public: Given a logical path, `resolve` will find and return an Asset URI.
def resolve(path, **kargs) kargs[:base_path] = @dirname uri, deps = environment.resolve!(path, **kargs) @dependencies.merge(deps) uri end
def stub_asset(path)
`path` must be an asset which may or may not already be included
`stub_asset` blacklists `path` from being included in the bundle.
def stub_asset(path) @stubbed << resolve(path, accept: @content_type, pipeline: :self) nil end
def stylesheet_path(path)
def stylesheet_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :stylesheet) end
def svg_asset_data_uri(asset)
def svg_asset_data_uri(asset) svg = asset.source.dup optimize_svg_for_uri_escaping!(svg) data = Rack::Utils.escape(svg) optimize_quoted_uri_escapes!(data) "\"data:#{asset.content_type};charset=utf-8,#{data}\"" end
def video_path(path)
def video_path(path) asset_path(path, type: :video) end