class SQLite3::ResultSet

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/sqlite3/resultset.rbs

class SQLite3::ResultSet
  def initialize: ((Litedb::Connection | SQLite3::Database) db, SQLite3::Statement stmt) -> void

obtain a ResultSet instance via Statement#execute.
very rarely (if ever) be instantiated directly. Instead, clients should
It is a simple cursor over the data that the query returns. It will
The ResultSet object encapsulates the enumerability of a query’s output.

def close

close any other result sets that were spawned from the same statement.
Use with caution! Closing a result set will automatically
Closes the statement that spawned this result set.
def close

def closed?

Queries whether the underlying statement has been closed or not.
def closed?

def columns

Returns the names of the columns returned by this result set.
def columns

def each

rows of the result set.
Required by the Enumerable mixin. Provides an internal iterator over the
def each
  while node =
    yield node

def each_hash

each row is yielded as a hash.
Provides an internal iterator over the rows of the result set where
def each_hash
  while node = next_hash
    yield node

def eof?

Query whether the cursor has reached the end of the result set or not.
def eof?

def initialize db, stmt

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def initialize: ((Litedb::Connection | SQLite3::Database) db, SQLite3::Statement stmt) -> void

This signature was generated using 38 samples from 6 applications.

given sql text.
Create a new ResultSet attached to the given database, using the
def initialize db, stmt
  @db   = db
  @stmt = stmt

def next

types are accessible via the +types+ property.
For hashes, the column names are the keys of the hash, and the column

and the column types are accessible via the +types+ property.
For arrays, the column names are accessible via the +fields+ property,

been set to +true+, in which case the returned value will be a hash.
The returned value will be an array, unless Database#results_as_hash has

according to their types.
corresponding database, the values in the row will be translated
had, this will return +nil+. If type translation is active on the
Obtain the next row from the cursor. If there are no more rows to be
def next
  if @db.results_as_hash
    return next_hash
  row = @stmt.step
  return nil if @stmt.done?
  row = @db.translate_from_db @stmt.types, row
  if row.respond_to?(:fields)
    # FIXME: this can only happen if the translator returns something
    # that responds to `fields`.  Since we're removing the translator
    # in 2.0, we can remove this branch in 2.0.
    row =
    # FIXME: the `fields` and `types` methods are deprecated on this
    # object for version 2.0, so we can safely remove this branch
    # as well.
    row =
  row.fields = @stmt.columns
  row.types = @stmt.types

def next_hash

Return the next row as a hash
def next_hash
  row = @stmt.step
  return nil if @stmt.done?
  # FIXME: type translation is deprecated, so this can be removed
  # in 2.0
  row = @db.translate_from_db @stmt.types, row
  # FIXME: this can be switched to a regular hash in 2.0
  row = HashWithTypesAndFields[*]
  # FIXME: these methods are deprecated for version 2.0, so we can remove
  # this code in 2.0
  row.fields = @stmt.columns
  row.types = @stmt.types

def reset( *bind_params )

can be rewound and reiterated.
Reset the cursor, so that a result set which has reached end-of-file
def reset( *bind_params )
  @stmt.bind_params( *bind_params )
  @eof = false

def types

Returns the types of the columns returned by this result set.
def types