class SQLite3::Statement
via the Database#prepare method.
(if ever) be instantiated directly by a client, and is most often obtained
A statement represents a prepared-but-unexecuted SQL query. It will rarely
def active?
Returns true if the statement is currently active, meaning it has an
def active? !done? end
def bind_params(*bind_vars)
See also #execute, #bind_param, Statement#bind_param, and
stmt.bind_params( 15, "hello" )
stmt = db.prepare( "select * from table where a=? and b=?" )
See Database#execute for a description of the valid placeholder
Binds the given variables to the corresponding placeholders in the SQL
def bind_params(*bind_vars) index = 1 bind_vars.flatten.each do |var| if Hash === var var.each { |key, val| bind_param key, val } else bind_param index, var index += 1 end end end
def columns
may execute the statement in order to obtain the metadata; this makes it
Return an array of the column names for this statement. Note that this
def columns get_metadata unless @columns @columns end
def each
def each loop do val = step break self if done? yield val end end
def execute(*bind_vars)
stmt.execute do |result|
stmt = db.prepare( "select * from table" )
Any parameters will be bound to the statement using #bind_params.
be yielded to it; otherwise, the ResultSet will be returned.
statement's virtual machine. If a block was given, the new ResultSet will
Execute the statement. This creates a new ResultSet object for the
def execute(*bind_vars) reset! if active? || done? bind_params(*bind_vars) unless bind_vars.empty? results = @connection.build_result_set self step if column_count == 0 yield results if block_given? results end
def execute!(*bind_vars, &block)
stmt.execute! do |row|
stmt = db.prepare( "select * from table" )
Any parameters will be bound to the statement using #bind_params.
yielded to the block.
rows returned by executing the statement. Otherwise, each row will be
Execute the statement. If no block was given, this returns an array of
def execute!(*bind_vars, &block) execute(*bind_vars) block ? each(&block) : to_a end
def get_metadata
that this will actually execute the SQL, which means it can be a
A convenience method for obtaining the metadata about the query. Note
def get_metadata @columns = do |column| column_name column end @types = do |column| val = column_decltype(column) val&.downcase end end
def initialize(db, sql)
statement (i.e., separated by semicolons), then the #remainder property
encapsulates the given SQL text. If the text contains more than one
Create a new statement attached to the given Database instance, and which
call-seq:, sql)
def initialize(db, sql) raise ArgumentError, "prepare called on a closed database" if db.closed? sql = sql.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) if sql && sql.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8 @connection = db @columns = nil @types = nil @remainder = prepare db, sql end
def must_be_open! # :nodoc:
closed. If it is, an exception is raised.
Performs a sanity check to ensure that the statement is not
def must_be_open! # :nodoc: if closed? raise SQLite3::Exception, "cannot use a closed statement" end end
def stat key = nil
- +filter_hits+: the number of times that a join step was bypassed
a find, and thus the join step had to be processed as normal
- +filter_misses+: the number of times that the Bloom filter returned
- +runs+: the number of times that the prepared statement has been run
parameters that might affect the query plan
automatically regenerated due to schema changes or changes to bound
- +reprepares+: the number of times that the prepare statement has been
prepared statement
- +vm_steps+: the number of virtual machine operations executed by the
that were created automatically in order to help joins run faster
- +autoindexes+: the number of rows inserted into transient indices
- +sorts+: the number of sort operations that have occurred
in a table as part of a full table scan
- +fullscan_steps+: the number of times that SQLite has stepped forward
statistics about the statement such as:
the future without notice. The hash includes information about internal
The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in
Returns a Hash containing information about the statement.
def stat key = nil if key stat_for(key) else stats_as_hash end end
def types
that this may execute the statement in order to obtain the metadata; this
Return an array of the data types for each column in this statement. Note
def types must_be_open! get_metadata unless @types @types end