class Standard::Runners::Help

def call(config)

def call(config)
  puts <<~MESSAGE
    Usage: standardrb [--fix] [--lsp] [-vh] [--format <name>] [--] [FILE]...
      --fix             Apply automatic fixes that we're confident won't break your code
      --fix-unsafely    Apply even more fixes, including some that may change code behavior
      --no-fix          Do not automatically fix failures
      --format <name>   Format output with any RuboCop formatter (e.g. "json")
      --generate-todo   Create a .standard_todo.yml that lists all the files that contain errors
      --lsp             Start a LSP server listening on STDIN
      -v, --version     Print the version of Standard
      -V, --verbose-version   Print the version of Standard and its dependencies.
      -h, --help        Print this message
      FILE              Files to lint [default: ./]
    Standard also forwards most CLI arguments to RuboCop. To see them, run:
      $ rubocop --help
    While Standard only offers a few configuration options, most can be set in
    a `.standard.yml` file. For full documentation, please visit:
    Having trouble? Here's some diagnostic information:
            Ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}
       Current directory: #{Dir.pwd}
         RuboCop version: #{RuboCop::Version.version}
        Standard version: #{Standard::VERSION}
    Standard config file: #{".standard.yml", Dir.pwd) || "[No file found]"}
    Please report any problems (and include the above information) at the URL below: