module Thor::Actions

def run(command, config={})

run('ln -s ~/edge rails')
inside('vendor') do

==== Example

to append an executable to command executation.
config:: give :verbose => false to not log the status. Specify :with
command:: the command to be executed.
==== Parameters

Executes a command.
def run(command, config={})
  return unless behavior == :invoke
  destination = relative_to_original_destination_root(destination_root, false)
  desc = "#{command} from #{destination.inspect}"
  if config[:with]
    desc = "#{File.basename(config[:with].to_s)} #{desc}"
    command = "#{config[:with]} #{command}"
  say_status :run, desc, config.fetch(:verbose, true)
  system(command) unless options[:pretend]