class Thor

def dispatch(meth, given_args, given_opts, config) #:nodoc:

The method responsible for dispatching given the args.
def dispatch(meth, given_args, given_opts, config) #:nodoc:
  # There is an edge case when dispatching from a subcommand.
  # A problem occurs invoking the default command. This case occurs
  # when arguments are passed and a default command is defined, and
  # the first given_args does not match the default command.
  # Thor use "help" by default so we skip that case.
  # Note the call to retrieve_command_name. It's called with
  # given_args.dup since that method calls args.shift. Then lookup
  # the command normally. If the first item in given_args is not
  # a command then use the default command. The given_args will be
  # intact later since dup was used.
  if config[:invoked_via_subcommand] && given_args.size >= 1 && default_command != "help" && given_args.first != default_command
    meth ||= retrieve_command_name(given_args.dup)
    command = all_commands[normalize_command_name(meth)]
    command ||= all_commands[normalize_command_name(default_command)]
    meth ||= retrieve_command_name(given_args)
    command = all_commands[normalize_command_name(meth)]
  if command
    args, opts = Thor::Options.split(given_args)
    if stop_on_unknown_option?(command) && !args.empty?
      # given_args starts with a non-option, so we treat everything as
      # ordinary arguments
      args.concat opts
    args, opts = given_args, nil
    command =
  opts = given_opts || opts || []
  config.merge!(:current_command => command, :command_options => command.options)
  instance = new(args, opts, config)
  yield instance if block_given?
  args = instance.args
  trailing = args[, -1)]
  instance.invoke_command(command, trailing || [])