class Thor::Runner
def install(name)
def install(name) initialize_thorfiles begin contents = open(name).read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError raise Error, "Error opening URI `#{name}'" rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Error, "Error opening file `#{name}'" end is_uri = File.exist?(name) ? false : true puts "Your Thorfile contains: " puts contents print "Do you wish to continue [y/N]? " response = Readline.readline return false unless response =~ /^\s*y/i constants = Thor::Util.constants_in_contents(contents) # name = name =~ /\.thor$/ || is_uri ? name : "#{name}.thor" as = options["as"] || begin first_line = contents.split("\n")[0] (match = first_line.match(/\s*#\s*module:\s*([^\n]*)/)) ? match[1].strip : nil end if !as print "Please specify a name for #{name} in the system repository [#{name}]: " as = Readline.readline as = name if as.empty? end FileUtils.mkdir_p thor_root yaml_file = File.join(thor_root, "thor.yml") FileUtils.touch(yaml_file) yaml = thor_yaml location = (options[:relative] || is_uri) ? name : File.expand_path(name) yaml[as] = {:filename => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(name + as), :location => location, :constants => constants} save_yaml(yaml) puts "Storing thor file in your system repository", yaml[as][:filename]), "w") do |file| file.puts contents end yaml[as][:filename] # Indicate sucess end