require 'thor/error' module ObjectSpace class << self # @return <Array[Class]> All the classes in the object space. def classes klasses = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) {|o| klasses << o} klasses end end end class Thor module Util def self.constant_to_thor_path(str, remove_default = true) str = snake_case(str.to_s).squeeze(":") str.gsub!(/^default/, '') if remove_default str end def self.constant_from_thor_path(str) make_constant(to_constant(str)) rescue NameError => e raise e unless e.message =~ /^uninitialized constant (.*)$/ raise Error, "There was no available namespace `#{str}'." end def self.to_constant(str) str = 'default' if str.empty? str.gsub(/:(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end def self.constants_in_contents(str) klasses = ObjectSpace.classes.dup klasses = ObjectSpace.classes - klasses klasses = {|k| k < Thor }! {|k| k.to_s.gsub(/#<Module:\w+>::/, '')} end def self.make_constant(str) list = str.split("::").inject(Object) {|obj, x| obj.const_get(x)} end def self.snake_case(str) return str.downcase if str =~ /^[A-Z_]+$/ str.gsub(/\B[A-Z]/, '_\&').squeeze('_') =~ /_*(.*)/ return $+.downcase end end end