module Thor::Actions

def inject_into_module(path, module_name, *args, &block)

" def help; 'help'; end\n"
inject_into_module "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", ApplicationHelper do

inject_into_module "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", ApplicationHelper, " def help; 'help'; end\n"

==== Examples

config:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
data:: the data to append to the class, can be also given as a block.
module_name:: the module to be manipulated
path:: path of the file to be changed
==== Parameters

insert_into_file, it's reversible.
Injects text right after the module definition. Since it depends on
def inject_into_module(path, module_name, *args, &block)
  config = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
  config[:after] = /module #{module_name}\n|module #{module_name} .*\n/
  insert_into_file(path, *(args << config), &block)