class Thor::Shell::Basic
def print_table(array, options = {}) # rubocop:disable MethodLength
==== Options
Array[Array[String, String, ...]]
==== Parameters
Prints a table.
def print_table(array, options = {}) # rubocop:disable MethodLength return if array.empty? formats = [] indent = options[:indent].to_i colwidth = options[:colwidth] options[:truncate] = terminal_width if options[:truncate] == true formats << "%-#{colwidth + 2}s".dup if colwidth start = colwidth ? 1 : 0 colcount = array.max { |a, b| a.size <=> b.size }.size maximas = [] start.upto(colcount - 1) do |index| maxima = { |row| row[index] ? row[index].to_s.size : 0 }.max maximas << maxima formats << if index == colcount - 1 # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column "%-s".dup else "%-#{maxima + 2}s".dup end end formats[0] = formats[0].insert(0, " " * indent) formats << "%s" array.each do |row| sentence = "".dup row.each_with_index do |column, index| maxima = maximas[index] f = if column.is_a?(Numeric) if index == row.size - 1 # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column "%#{maxima}s" else "%#{maxima}s " end else formats[index] end sentence << f % column.to_s end sentence = truncate(sentence, options[:truncate]) if options[:truncate] stdout.puts sentence end end