
require_relative "basic"
require_relative "lcs_diff"

class Thor
  module Shell
    # Inherit from Thor::Shell::Basic and add set_color behavior. Check
    # Thor::Shell::Basic to see all available methods.
    class Color < Basic
      include LCSDiff

      # Embed in a String to clear all previous ANSI sequences.
      CLEAR      = "\e[0m"
      # The start of an ANSI bold sequence.
      BOLD       = "\e[1m"

      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to black.
      BLACK      = "\e[30m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to red.
      RED        = "\e[31m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to green.
      GREEN      = "\e[32m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to yellow.
      YELLOW     = "\e[33m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to blue.
      BLUE       = "\e[34m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to magenta.
      MAGENTA    = "\e[35m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to cyan.
      CYAN       = "\e[36m"
      # Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to white.
      WHITE      = "\e[37m"

      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to black.
      ON_BLACK   = "\e[40m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to red.
      ON_RED     = "\e[41m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to green.
      ON_GREEN   = "\e[42m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to yellow.
      ON_YELLOW  = "\e[43m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to blue.
      ON_BLUE    = "\e[44m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to magenta.
      ON_MAGENTA = "\e[45m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to cyan.
      ON_CYAN    = "\e[46m"
      # Set the terminal's background ANSI color to white.
      ON_WHITE   = "\e[47m"

      # Set color by using a string or one of the defined constants. If a third
      # option is set to true, it also adds bold to the string. This is based
      # on Highline implementation and it automatically appends CLEAR to the end
      # of the returned String.
      # Pass foreground, background and bold options to this method as
      # symbols.
      # Example:
      #   set_color "Hi!", :red, :on_white, :bold
      # The available colors are:
      #   :bold
      #   :black
      #   :red
      #   :green
      #   :yellow
      #   :blue
      #   :magenta
      #   :cyan
      #   :white
      #   :on_black
      #   :on_red
      #   :on_green
      #   :on_yellow
      #   :on_blue
      #   :on_magenta
      #   :on_cyan
      #   :on_white
      def set_color(string, *colors)
        if colors.compact.empty? || !can_display_colors?
        elsif colors.all? { |color| color.is_a?(Symbol) || color.is_a?(String) }
          ansi_colors = { |color| lookup_color(color) }
          # The old API was `set_color(color, bold=boolean)`. We
          # continue to support the old API because you should never
          # break old APIs unnecessarily :P
          foreground, bold = colors
          foreground = self.class.const_get(foreground.to_s.upcase) if foreground.is_a?(Symbol)

          bold       = bold ? BOLD : ""


      def can_display_colors?
        are_colors_supported? && !are_colors_disabled?

      def are_colors_supported?
        stdout.tty? && ENV["TERM"] != "dumb"

      def are_colors_disabled?
        !ENV["NO_COLOR"].nil? && !ENV["NO_COLOR"].empty?