class TZInfo::CountryTimezone

multiple countries).
Timezone that is specific to the Country (a Timezone could be used by
A Timezone within a Country. This contains extra information about the

def ==(ct)

and description).
current CountryTimezone (has the same identifer, latitude, longitude
Returns true if and only if the given CountryTimezone is equal to the
def ==(ct)
  ct.respond_to?(:identifier) && ct.respond_to?(:latitude) &&
  ct.respond_to?(:longitude)  && ct.respond_to?(:description) &&
  identifier == ct.identifier  && latitude == ct.latitude &&
  longitude == ct.longitude   && description == ct.description         

def description_or_friendly_identifier

returns timezone.friendly_identifier(true).
if description is not nil, this method returns description; otherwise it
def description_or_friendly_identifier
  description || timezone.friendly_identifier(true)

def eql?(ct)

and description).
current CountryTimezone (has the same identifer, latitude, longitude
Returns true if and only if the given CountryTimezone is equal to the
def eql?(ct)
  self == ct

def hash

Returns a hash of this CountryTimezone.
def hash
  @identifier.hash ^ @latitude_numerator.hash ^ @latitude_denominator.hash ^ 
    @longitude_numerator.hash ^ @longitude_denominator.hash ^ @description.hash

def initialize(identifier, latitude_numerator, latitude_denominator,

CountryTimezone instances should not normally be constructed manually.

numerators and denominators must be specified in their lowest form.
rationals - a numerator and denominator. For performance reasons, the
longitude and description. The latitude and longitude are specified as
Creates a new CountryTimezone with a timezone identifier, latitude,
def initialize(identifier, latitude_numerator, latitude_denominator, 
               longitude_numerator, longitude_denominator, description = nil) #:nodoc:
  @identifier = identifier
  @latitude_numerator = latitude_numerator
  @latitude_denominator = latitude_denominator
  @longitude_numerator = longitude_numerator
  @longitude_denominator = longitude_denominator      
  @description = description

def inspect

Returns internal object state as a programmer-readable string.
def inspect
  "#<#{self.class}: #@identifier>"

def latitude

The latitude of this timezone in degrees as a Rational.
def latitude
  @latitude ||= RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(@latitude_numerator, @latitude_denominator)

def longitude

The longitude of this timezone in degrees as a Rational.
def longitude
  @longitude ||= RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(@longitude_numerator, @longitude_denominator)

def timezone

The Timezone (actually a TimezoneProxy for performance reasons).
def timezone