class TZInfo::TimezoneTransitionInfo
Represents an offset defined in a Timezone data file.
def ==(tti)
considered to be equal by == if offset, previous_offset and at are all
TimezoneTransitionInfo. Two TimezoneTransitionInfo instances are
Returns true if this TimezoneTransitionInfo is equal to the given
def ==(tti) tti.kind_of?(TimezoneTransitionInfo) && offset == tti.offset && previous_offset == tti.previous_offset && at == end
def at
A TimeOrDateTime instance representing the UTC time when this transition
def at unless @at unless @denominator @at = else r = RubyCoreSupport.rational_new!(@numerator_or_time, @denominator) dt = RubyCoreSupport.datetime_new!(r, 0, Date::ITALY) @at = end end @at end
def eql?(tti)
which just requires the at times to be equal regardless of how they were
numerator_or_time and denominator are all equal. This is stronger than ==,
considered to be equal by eql? if offset, previous_offset,
TimezoneTransitionInfo. Two TimezoneTransitionInfo instances are
Returns true if this TimezoneTransitionInfo is equal to the given
def eql?(tti) tti.kind_of?(TimezoneTransitionInfo) && offset == tti.offset && previous_offset == tti.previous_offset && numerator_or_time == tti.numerator_or_time && denominator == tti.denominator end
def hash
def hash @offset.hash ^ @previous_offset.hash ^ @numerator_or_time.hash ^ @denominator.hash end
def initialize(offset, previous_offset, numerator_or_time, denominator = nil)
For performance reasons, the numerator and denominator must be specified!(Rational.send(:new!, numerator_or_time, denominator), 0, Date::ITALY)
and denominator are used to create a DateTime as follows:
seconds since the epoch. If denominator is specified numerator_or_time
if denominator is nil, numerator_or_time is treated as a number of
previous_offset (both TimezoneOffsetInfo instances) and UTC time.
Creates a new TimezoneTransitionInfo with the given offset,
def initialize(offset, previous_offset, numerator_or_time, denominator = nil) @offset = offset @previous_offset = previous_offset @numerator_or_time = numerator_or_time @denominator = denominator @at = nil @local_end = nil @local_start = nil end
def inspect
def inspect "#<#{self.class}: #{at.inspect},#{@offset.inspect}>" end
def local_end
causes the previous observance to end (calculated from at using
A TimeOrDateTime instance representing the local time when this transition
def local_end @local_end = at.add_with_convert(@previous_offset.utc_total_offset) unless @local_end @local_end end
def local_start
A TimeOrDateTime instance representing the local time when this transition
def local_start @local_start = at.add_with_convert(@offset.utc_total_offset) unless @local_start @local_start end